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11     December 2018 • NVRA eVoice

            ALL ABOUT


                                           Certifications Offered                 2019 Testing Schedule
            Congratulations to             by NVRA                                January 12-13 – Charlotte, NC
            our newly certified            Each of these certifications has been   February 9-10 – Little Rock, AR
            professionals:                 developed in response to increasing    March 16-17 – Augusta, GA
                                           requests from our membership. Details   April 13-14 – Toronto, Canada
            Certified Verbatim             can be found at              May 18-19 – Atlanta, GA
                                                                                  June 22-23 – Little Rock, AR
            Reporter (CVR):                Details and criteria for each of these   July 24-25 –  New Orleans, LA –
            Amanda Beverly, CVR            new certifications can be found online             Convention
            Brittany Draper, CVR           at   August 17-18 – Savannah, GA
            Sloan Fisher, CVR              In addressing our members’ concerns    September 14-15 – Cleveland, OH
            Amanda Gooden, CVR             and needs, NVRA continues to           October 19-20 – Kansas City, MO
            Peggy Jo Hall, CVR             advance the understanding, practice,   November 2-3 – Jacksonville, FL
            Brenda Jones, CVR              education and professional standards   December 7-8 – Atlanta, GA
            Adam Kennedy, CVR              of verbatim reporters, CART providers,
            Trina Law, CVR                 broadcast captioners and related       On-site Testing for
            Lisa Nowell, CVR               professions by promoting ethical       Certifications
            Bonnie Ruffin, CVR             behavior, professional development,    NVRA offers on-site testing for the
            Candice Scoville, CVR          and educational opportunities.         following certifications:
            Julia Vorobej, CVR
            Jodi Wade, CVR                 NVRA conducts certification testing    •   CVR, CVR-CM, RVR, RVR-M, CLT
                                           several times each year. Whether         (Certified Legal Transcriptionist) and
            Realtime Verbatim              seeking certification in order to obtain   CLS (Certified Legal Scopist).
            Reporter (RVR):                employment, to receive increases in    •   The Registered Broadcast
            Teresa Johnson, CVR-M-         compensation, or simply to stand out,    Captioner-Master (RBC-M) and the
            CM, RVR                        NVRA certification testifies to a        Registered CART Provider-Master
                                           person’s professionalism and skills.     (RCP-M) tests are offered online
                                           With certification testing, NVRA is      (remotely) only.
                                           testing real world skills, not theoretical
                                           skills. An NVRA professional who is    New Certification
                                           certified demonstrates the highest     Highlights
                                           professional standards, skills, and
                                           abilities.                             The following new NVRA certifications
            This is a partial listing of new                                      are now available during each testing
            certificants. Some testers have                                       event.
            opted out of listings on social        Visit the website
            media or in eVoice. Please               for details and              •   Certified Legal Transcriptionist
            notify NVRA if you were            registration information:            (CLT)
            excluded and wish to be listed           •    Certified Legal Scopist (CLS)
            in a future publication.                                              •   Realtime Verbatim Reporter –
                                                                                    Master (RVR-M)
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