Page 167 - Teknipure-SalesPresentation-(08-18)_Vs1_TEST
P. 167

• Are there any special wiper data requirements?  priced non-woven could be used?
                   • What are the most critical parameters required in  • Can a lighter weight, high performance material
                     the wiping material: fibers, particles, ions,  be substituted?
                     absorbency, extractables, abrasion resistance,  • Can the “value pack” packaging configuration be
                     ESD?                                           used in place of the stacked packaging configura-
                   • What chemicals will be used with the wipers: DI  tion?
                     water, IPA, acetone, bleach, etc.?           • Can a more economical wiper size be used?
                   • What size wiper is being used? Is the wiper two  • Can improvement in the wiping technique present
                     ply or one ply?                                a cost savings?
                   • What is the basis weight of the wiping material?  • Will pre-wetted wipers improve the overall cost?
                   • Are the wipers used dry or wet?              • Should a validated sterile wiper be used instead of
                   • If the wipers are used wet, how are the wipers  autoclaving?
                     wetted: dipped,                                                    Once the key areas have
                     sprayed, squirted, pre-                                         been analyzed and improve  -
                     wetted?                                                         ments identified, the overall
                   • Are the wipers pre-                                             cost impact should then be
                     sterilized or                                                   determined. Based on the
                     autoclaved?                                                     estimated impact on quality,
                   • What type of wiping                                             efficiency, yields, and
                     technique is used in                                            wiper costs, the identified
                     cleaning?                                                       improve  ments need to be
                   • How are the wipers                                              validated and implemented.
                     currently packaged?
                     Are their any special                                           Step 5: The Control Phase
                     packaging require-                                              After the audit process has
                     ments?                                                          been completed and
                   • How are the wipers                                              improvements have been
                     stored prior to and                                             defined and validated for
                     during use?                                                     implementation, procedures
                   • What is the current                                             need to be updated and
                     wiper usage?                                                    personnel need to be
                                                                                     trained on the new materi-
                 Step 4: The Improvement                                             als or techniques to ensure
                 Phase                                                               proper control of the new
                 During this phase of the audit, all of the previously  materials and process. The training of personnel in
                 gathered data will be summarized and analyzed for  proper wiping techniques is also an area where the
                 potential cost improvements. This phase of the audit  knowledge and resources of the wiper manufacturer
                 process requires not only a technical understanding of  can be very helpful.
                 the manufacturing process and product but a technical
                 knowledge of available wiping materials, wiping material  COMMON CLEANROOM WIPER USAGE AUDIT
                 characteristics, and potential packaging configurations. If  IMPROVEMENTS
                 this overall combination of knowledge is not present  Based on typical Cleanroom Wiper Usage Audits, the
                 internally or there is a resource constraint, the leading  following cost reduction improvements are among the
                 cleanroom wiper manufacturers are an excellent  most common identified and implemented:
                 resource. Their many years of experience in multiple
                 cleanroom environments and processes combined with  “Value Pack” Packaging Configuration: The majority of
                 their extensive knowledge of cleanroom wiping materi-  cleanroom wipers purchased are in the stacked pack-
                 als can be extremely valuable. Key areas that will be  aging configuration. “Value Pack” or bulk packaging
                 analyzed for improvement include the following:  allows the end-user to purchase the same material sub-
                   • Is the wiping material substrate over-specified for  strate in the same size with the same performance in a
                     the environment and processing requirements:  more economical fashion. Typical savings can be
                     using a laundered polyester knit when a lower  10-15% versus standard stacked packaging.

                 10   June 2009                                                    Controlled Environments

             2150 W. Broadway Rd | Suite 104, Mesa, AZ 85202 USA • 844.309.2376 •
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