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and prepare squirt/spray bottles.               tool for finding and implementing significant
                   • Cost of purchasing and maintaining squirt/spray  manufacturing cost savings and process improve-
                     bottles.                                        ments.
                   • Cost of QC personnel and testing required to val-  3. The Cleanroom Wiper Usage Audit is a systematic
                     idate the solution blending process.            approach requiring excellent knowledge of
                   • Cost of disposal for hazardous solution drums   cleanroom environments and processing tech-
                     and associated containers.                      niques along with extensive knowledge of
                   • Cost associated with spillage, evaporation, and  cleanroom wiping materials and their perform-
                     over use of prepared solutions.                 ance characteristics.
                   Other benefits that can be derived from pre-wetted  4. Most cleanroom wiper manufacturers have the
                 cleanroom wipers include:                           knowledge required and can provide Cleanroom
                   • Reduced impact of over-spray on sensitive parts  Wiper Usage Audits, as well as training, when
                     or products.                                    requested.
                   • Reduced Volatile Organic Compound emissions.
                   • Increased cleaning efficacy.                BOTTOM LINE
                   • Improved cleaning consistency.              The Cleanroom Wiper Usage Audit is a powerful tool
                                                                 and should be utilized as an integral part of any clean-
                 KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER                          room or critical manufacturing cost reduction program
                   1. Cleanroom wipers typically account for a signifi-  where cleanroom wipers are utilized.
                     cant portion of manufacturing costs outside of
                     raw materials.                              Duane Webb is Global Technical Advisor, Berkshire Corporation,
                                                                 6509 Franz Warner Parkway, Whitsett, NC 27377, (413) 528-2602;
                   2. The Cleanroom Wiper Usage Audit is a powerful

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                      In addition to converting your throw-away cleanroom
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                             ISO 9001:2000 CERTIFIED
                 Controlled Environments                                         June 2009   13

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