Page 8 - November Market Update
P. 8

Блокчейн (англ. blockchain или
                                        block chain[1]) — выстроенная
                                        по определённым правилам
                                        непрерывная последовательная
                                        цепочка блоков (связный
                                        список), содержащих
                                        информацию. Чаще всего
                                        копии цепочек блоков
                                        хранятся на множестве разных
                                        компьютеров независимо друг
                                        от друга.

                                                                               That is a paradigm shift that is
                                                                               going to have a big influence
                                                                               and impact on basically every
                                                                               single industry in the economy

                                                                               The future understanding and
                                                                               use of blockchain may be
                                                                               similar to our current use and
                                                                               understanding of the internet
                                                                               — we may not know the exact

                                                                               details of how it works, but we
                                                                               all use it.
                       WATCH: Why blockchain is
                       more than Bitcoin.                                      That’s how experts envision

                                                                               blockchain’s future over the
                                                                               next decade; they expect it will
                                                                               become so ingrained in our
                                                                               day-to-day activities that we’ll
                                                                               simply use it without realizing.

                                                                               The problems blockchain faces
                                                                               right now are also similar to
                                                                               the early days of the internet:
                                                                               before search engines like
                                                                               Google, it was a lot more chal-
                                                                               lenging to get around the world
                                                                               wide web.
                      Everything you need to know about

                      the technology                                           В следующем  номере :
                                                                               BLOCKCHAIN &

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