Page 13 - November Market Update
P. 13

Unmarried couples in the process of splitting                           lThe new rules would generally
                                                                                  evenly split property acquired dur-
          up will have clear-cut property division rules                          ing a relationship, and partners can
          under new legislation tabled recently.                                  make the claim within two years
                                                                                  of breaking up. But the legislation
                                                                                  also leaves room for couples to
         lCurrently no such rules exist,     lLaurie Allen, partner at Allen      draft separate agreements if they
         and common-law partners face        Hryniuk Law Firm, said legal dis-    want to opt-out.
         costly and time-consuming legal     putes when common-law relation-
         battles to divide property after    ships end can last for years.        lWhen two people are married,
         a breakup, said Justice Minister                                         certain property rights kick in.
         Kathleen Ganley.                    “We’re booking trials in 2020 now,  On separation or death, a spouse
                                             that’s because the court system is   is allowed to ask the court for an
         l“People deserve clear and con-     overwhelmed with litigation,” Al-    equalization of net family prop-
         sistent rules that treat all couples   len said.                         erty. ...
         fairly.” The bill applies to unmar-
         ried couples who qualify as “adult   “In my experience, I haven’t        When common-law parties
         interdependent partners,” refer-    seen a case go from start            separate now they are entitled to
         ring to people who live together                                         receive their own property without
         for at least two years, or have a   to finish in any time less           sharing its value unless it was a
         child and a relationship with some   than three years and under          jointly owned property...
         permanence, or have entered into a  $100,000.”                           окончание статьи:
         partner agreement.                                                       MORE INFO

          Необходимо иметь ввиду, что данный закон имеет свои
          особенности практически в каждой провинции, то есть
          то как он применяется, например, в Альберте, совсем не
          означает что и в Британской Колумбии будет тоже самое...
          и потому  получить Independent legal advice -

          единственное правильное решение для разрешения спора
          по разделению имущества.

         Independent legal advice - Независимая
         юридическая консультация - это совет,
         который каждый человек, участвующий
         в юридическом споре, получает от                       Common-law splits: Who gets what
         своего собственного адвоката.

         Поскольку по закону адвокаты
         могут давать советы одному лицу,
         участвующему в составлении
         соглашения, вы не можете
         проконсультироваться с адвокатом для
         юридических консультаций вместе, и
         никто из вас не может просто полагаться
         на адвоката другого человека.

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