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2 Realty News August
Realty News & Views
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выпускается ставок предположительно ожидается
каждый месяц и
по подписке в Октябре: BMO
Если Вы хотите
получать один раз в Bank forecasts one data has another hike priced in by “There are growing signs that past
месяц October (consistent with our call), rate moves are starting to bite,” he
Online Версию, overnight rate increase
отправьте, with some even calling for a Sep- wrote. “The early return for July
пожалуйста, запрос in the fall and a further tember hike… home sales suggests that activity
на наш имейл : two in 2019 is still moderating in much of the We’re not entirely ruling out a country from the 1-2 hit of rising
После повышения на 0,25 September hike at this point, but mortgage rates and a tighter regu-
Realty News & Views процентного пункта до курса it would take a very strong run of latory backdrop.”
is individually owned овернайт Банка Канады в июле data over the next month.
and operated by Tina экономисты BMO призывают Банк также предсказал
Abramenko, Real Es- к другому в октябре - или, The report backs recent predictions увеличение процентных ставок
tate Expert, MSNE. возможно, в сентябре, если by RBC Economics, which also в 2019 году. В своем отчете от 7
_________________ будущие экономические данные forecast a rate hike in October. августа было добавлено:
For more details, “We expect two rate hikes next
please call: будут сильными. BMO chief economist Douglas year and for the Bank [of Cana-
778-868-7224 or Porter said in a recent note that the da] to only hit the bottom of its
e-mail: tabramenko@ BMO said in a report “While uncertainty continues to cloud the rise in interest rates is starting to 2.5-per-cent-to-3.5-per-cent esti-
outlook for the Canadian economy, affect Canada’s housing market. mated neutral range in 2020.”
a near-month-long run of solid
digital only:
октябрь Sat., Sun., Mortgage. Taxes. New Laws.
ноябрь Info: 778-868-7224
printed:декабрь October 27-28