Page 8 - Realty News update August
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8 Realty News 778-868-7224 August
Fraser Valley B.C. home sales off
Abbotsford, Cloverdale, Langley,
North Delta, Mission, Surrey, North the boil but
Surrey, South Surrey & White Rock
Sale Price: prices remain
p8% hot...
©SnapStats Publishing Co. Независимо от того, было ли это
MARKET SPEED INDICATOR: SELLER MARKET предполагаемым следствием или нет,
жесткие правила получения ипотеки в Канаде сделали труднее
21% Homes Selling Rate in July* для многих людей приобрести недвижимость, что привело к
©SnapStats Publishing Co. The market has begun to absorb and adjust to the new затишью деятельности на самых жарких рынках...
realities; we expect an uptick in sales volumes and
21% prices during the second half of 2018. CEO Royal LePage ...менее лихорадочный спрос GV reported 2,243 new listings in July,
на жилье» привел к тому, что down 1.1% from the month before. This
TOTAL LISTINGS TOTAL SALES SALE PRICE продажи жилья в июле по всей represents a 3.84% increase compared
5,490 1,152 8% провинции снизились на 23,9 to the same month last year. Decline
sales, and more inventory pushed total
процента по сравнению с июлем
Previous Year: 4,087 Previous Year: 1,744 Year over Year Variance прошлого года, согласно BCREA. inventory significantly higher.
Totals for last month and compared to the same month one year ago
ASK ME FOR A COPY OF SNAPSTATS Кэмерон Мьюир, главный экономист The total number of active listings in
& FIND OUT YOUR HOME'S MARKET SPEED! BCREA, сказал: «Рынок жилья Greater Vancouver made a huge climb.
BC продолжает бороться с резким
REBGV had 3,952 active condo listings
Greater Vancouver снижением доступности, вызванным in July, up 66.96% from last year. This
©SnapStats Publishing Co. *All data sourced from the FVREB MLS®. Market Speed is based on the Sales-to-Active Listing ratio and the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board's market types (ie Balanced Market 12 to 20%.) All data
reported is Median and represents Single Family Homes and Condo/Townhomes in the following areas: Surrey, South Surrey, North Delta, Cloverdale, Langley, Abbotsford and Mission. Market Speed is best defined over several
months. Refer to our YTD reports for sustained periods of the Sales Ratio %. This communication is not intended to cause or induce breach of an existing agency agreement. More info at
Burnaby, New Westminster, Co- жесткими новыми правилами brought the sales to active listings ratio
квалификации ипотеки.
to 27.3% for condos, compared to 62%
quitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Тем не менее, менее безумный last year.
Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge спрос на жилье создал более When the ratio falls below 20%, the
сбалансированные рыночные
industry considers the market “bal-
Sale Price: условия во многих регионах, что anced.”
привело к меньшему количеству
предложений и более широкому
If the ratio falls below 12%, it becomes
p4% выбору для потребителей ». a “buyers market,” and prices rapidly
Тем не менее сбалансированный
GREATER VANCOUVER / JULY 2018 рынок и дополнительный выбор, Generally speaking, Greater Vancouver
похоже, не привели к снижению цен condo sales experienced higher invento-
©SnapStats Publishing Co. закупочные цены для покупателей в ry, and less sales. The market responded
MARKET SPEED INDICATOR: SELLER большинстве регионов, по крайней as expected, further decelerating price
мере, по сравнению с прошлым
21% Homes Selling Rate in July* годом.
©SnapStats Publishing Co. The market has begun to absorb and adjust to the new (BCREA BC home sales July 2018) Even with the decelerated price gains,
the market is still running hot. A single
realities; we expect an uptick in sales volumes and
21% prices during the second half of 2018. CEO Royal LePage Vancouver Condo Inventory Jumps month decline is far from a trend, and
Over 66% most regions have condos printing
TOTAL LISTINGS TOTAL SALES SALE PRICE There’s a lot of condo inventory hitting double digit gains from last year. This
market has a long way to go before it
3,411 718 4% the market in Greater Vancouver. REB- enters healthy territory.
Previous Year: 2,359 Previous Year: 1,121 Year over Year Variance
Totals for last month and compared to the same month one year ago
©SnapStats Publishing Co. *All data sourced from the REBGV MLS®. Market Speed is based on the Sales-to-Active Listing ratio and the Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board's market types (ie Balanced Market 12 to 20%.) All
data reported is Median and represents Single Family Homes and Condo/Townhomes in the following areas: Burnaby, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge. Market Speed is
best defined over several months. Refer to our YTD reports for sustained periods of the Sales Ratio %. This communication is not intended to cause or induce breach of an existing agency agreement. More info at