Page 24 - IRG 2017
P. 24
Consultants are required to maintain Good Standing status and actively support their downline to be eligible for an Override
Knowingly falsifying new Consultant information for the purposes of earning Bonuses or incentives is considered fraudulent
and can result in the loss bonuses or termination of the Consultant Agreement. Starter Kits shipping to an existing consultant
and/or billing information matching an existing consultant’s are two forms of data that would be cause for concern. Only on
rare occasions would a Start Kit be shipped to or paid for by an existing Consultant.
Qualifying for a Lifestyle Bonus and/or 3 and 4 Level Override Bonuses:
o Director through Sr. Director Levels: To receive the Lifestyle Bonus and 3 and 4 Level Overrides, Director
through Sr. Director Levels must activate the number of new Consultants shown in the chart each month.
o *Individuals at Advanced Consultant through Sr. Consultant Levels who reached annual Group Retail Sales of
$750,000 or more during the previous contest period must activate two new Consultants each month to receive a
Lifestyle Bonus and 3 and 4 Level Overrides.
o National Director through Executive Director Levels: To receive monthly Lifestyle and 3 and 4 Level Overrides,
National and Executive Directors have two options:
Activate the number of new Consultants shown in the chart each month to receive payment with your
next Override Bonus. For example, activate two new Consultants in the month of January and the
Lifestyle and 3 and 4 Level Overrides will be included with the February Override bonus. Or,
Reach a total of eight new activated Consultants in a calendar quarter and receive payment of the
monthly Lifestyle and 3 and 4 Level Overrides with the bonuses paid the month following the close of
the quarter. For example, enroll and activate eight new Consultants in the first quarter (January,
February and March) and receive the Lifestyle bonuses and 3 and 4 Levels Overrides for those
months with the bonuses paid in April.
Should a Consultant drop below National or Executive Level, she must meet the requirements for the
level at which she ends the month to receive her Lifestyle Bonus and 3 and 4 Level Overrides. Any
bonuses owed to her for the quarter will be paid provided she reaches the minimum of eight activated
for the quarter for months in which she finished as a National or Executive Director.
Example #1: Level falls below National and Executive during a quarter.
rd th
Month Consultant Level # of New Consultants Lifestyle Bonus and 3 and 4
Activated Level Payment Paid
January National Director 0 At the End of the Quarter
February National Director 1 At the End of the Quarter
March Sr. Director 7 Next Override Payment
Pure Romance 2017 Incentive Requirements Guide 24