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A criminal record (misdemeanor or felony) may preclude admission to graduate or professional schools, profession licensure and certification, or security clearance of certain professions and positions.
The following are relevant excerpts from North Carolina statutes regarding alcoholic beverages.
1. Possession of Beer, Liquor, or Unfortified Wine by Any Person Under the Age of 21:
Penalty- Offense will be considered a misdemeanor that will become a matter of public record as a criminal
conviction and subject the person to court costs and fines. (General Statute 18B-302)
2. Purchase or Attempt to Purchase Beer or Unfortified Wine:
Penalty- Offense will be considered a misdemeanor that will become a matter of public record as a criminal conviction and subject the person to court costs and fines. If using false identification, the DMV will revoke the defendant's license for one year. (General Statute 18B-302)
3. Aid and Abet in the Sale, Purchase, and/or Possession of Alcohol by Anyone Less than 21 Years of Age (This includes giving alcohol to anyone less than 21 years of age):
Penalty- Any person who aids or abets an underage person in violating this law may be fined up to $1000, serve 150 hours of community service, and upon conviction the DMV will revoke the defendant's driver's license for one year. (General Statute 18B-302)
4. The Use or Attempt to use a Fraudulent or Altered Driver's License in order to obtain Alcoholic Beverages when not of Lawful Age; or a Fraudulent or Altered Identification Document other than a Driver's License; or a Driver's License Issued to Another Person; or an Identification Document other than a Driver's License Issued to Another Person:
Penalty-The offense will be a misdemeanor resulting in court costs and/or fine and the DMV will revoke the
defendant's driver's license for one year. (General Statute 18B-302)
5. Permit the use of the One's Driver's License or any other Identification Document of any Kind by any Person under 21 to Purchase or Attempt to Purchase or Possess Alcohol:
Penalty-The offense will be a misdemeanor resulting in court costs and/or fine and the DMV will revoke the defendant's driver's license for one year. (General Statute 18B-302)
6. Impaired Driving. A person commits the offense of driving while impaired (DWI) if he/she drives a vehicle upon any highway, any street or any public vehicular area within this state; after having consumed sufficient alcohol that he/she has, at any relevant time after the driving, an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more; or while under the influence of an impairing substance:
Penalty-If an intoxication test yields an alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or greater, driving privileges will be revoked immediately for a minimum of 30 days. Any person convicted may be fined a maximum of $2000; serve 24 months in prison, and the DMV will revoke the defendant's driver's license for one year. (General Statute 18B- 302)
Regulations on General College Use
1. It is the policy of Davidson College to comply with the laws of the State of North Carolina regarding the use, sale, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages. This policy applies to, but is not limited to:
a) Events sponsored by the college for trustees, faculty and staff;
b) Events sponsored by the college for alumni and parents;
c) Events sponsored by student organizations such as the Student Government Association (SGA), the College Union, and Patterson Court organizations; and
d) Events covered by the college's ABC license, which include all catered functions in the 900 Room of the College Union and Vail Commons.
2. Alcoholic beverages may not be served to, possessed by, and/or consumed by individuals under the legal drinking age.
3. Alcoholic beverages generally may be consumed by individuals 21 years of age and older in:
a) Private rooms within traditional residence halls, Martin Court Apartments (including apartment porches) and;
b) Patterson Court as defined by the sidewalk along Patterson Court Circle from Patterson Court #1 (Spencer
Weinstein Center) to Patterson Court #12 (Kappa Alpha Order) and a line continuing from Patterson Court

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