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2. Common containers of alcohol, including, but not limited to, kegs, punch bowls, Jell-O, pony kegs, beer balls, trashcans, ice luges and funnels are not allowed in or around apartments. There will be no warnings for violations of this rule. Violations could result in fines and Code of Responsibility charges.
3. Alcohol is allowed in apartments and on patios by persons that are of legal drinking age. Alcohol must remain within apartments, patios and the Armfield courtyard.
4. Because the balconies at the Armfield apartments serve as public walkways for egress, residents and guests are not allowed to congregate outside of the apartments on the 2nd and 3rd floors or in the stairwells. On the 1st floor of Armfield apartments, the patios and the lawn in front of the apartments is an allowable area for open consumption of alcohol for those of legal age.
5. Patterson Court organizations are not allowed to sponsor fraternity, sorority, or eating house events with alcohol in their apartments or residences.
* Please Note
1. Violations of these guidelines could result in Residence Life Office sanction and or Code of
Responsibility Charges.
2. Games designed around the use of common containers (including but not limited to kegs, punch bowls, Jell-O, pony kegs, beer balls, funnels, coolers, ice luge, or trash cans) are expressly prohibited and a violation of the Davidson College Alcohol Policy.
Hosts are reminded that it is illegal to serve any individual under the age of 21 and that the server is responsible for insuring that such is the case. Alcoholic beverages cannot be sold, including but not limited to such practices as charging admission, charging for cups, selling tickets, or requiring donations. Because no alcohol is permitted in the public areas of any residence hall no one may carry open containers of alcoholic beverages into the hallway or any other public area. Failure to do so may result in a Code of Responsibility violation and/or forfeiture of all or part of the deposit.
The Residence Life Office may establish additional policies for the hosting of parties with or without alcohol in residence halls and students are encouraged to inquire in the Residence Life Office.
Regulations for Events Sponsored by Recognized Student Organizations
The following regulations will govern all events sponsored by any Davidson College registered or chartered organization on or off campus. All student organizations are expected to follow local, state, and federal laws. Service of alcohol at any event will use these guidelines as a minimum standard and organizations may also be governed by regulations from other bodies to which the organization is accountable, including but not limited to the NCAA, the Activities Tax Council, Inter/national Fraternities, and other national umbrella organizations.
Patterson Court organizations are not allowed to sponsor fraternity, sorority, or eating house events in their apartments.
Davidson College requires that all student organizations that serve alcohol comply with college policies and guidelines regarding liability insurance, which includes coverage relating to the use, sale, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The college will determine the minimum amount of liability coverage organizations need.
Students or members of the community who observe a medical or other emergency are obligated to call for help. The college community values the obligation we have to help one another even when that individual or a group may have contributed to the situation. As such "Good Samaritans" who place calls for help will benefit from consideration of this aid as a mitigating circumstance when sanctions are imposed on an individual or student organization.
1. For the purposes of this section, Davidson College defines a "party with alcohol" as any activity, either open or closed, registered or spontaneous, at which alcohol is present. Any requests for exemptions or waivers of this policy must be submitted in writing to the Dean of Students or his/her designee.

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