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5. At every social event where alcohol is to be served, students shall be required to show a Davidson College student ID to the host organization’s IDer. The ID should be checked to see if the student has a “21+” engraving on the front of the Cat Card. If the student has a 21+ engraving, a wristband is issued to that student. Non- Davidson College students will need to have two (1) forms of ID and have a Davidson student vouch for him/her as his/her personal guest.
a. All Davidson students must have a valid Cat Card in order to be admitted to an open Patterson Court event.
b. Wristbands are non-transferable from one event to another. Students must show ID and receive a new different colored wristband from each event they attend.
6. Attendance at any event is conditional upon behavior. A police officer or other College official may remove anyone who is disruptive. The privilege to attend court events may be revoked by the Dean of Students Office for anyone who has been shown to be a repeated problem at events. This period will be set for an appropriate length of time in a specific case. Groups and individuals are both subject to such a review.
7. Beer (but not malt liquor) and unfortified wine are the only alcoholic substances permitted in or around Patterson Court houses for all parties that are not BYO events. At no event may alcohol be provided from common containers, including but not limited to kegs, punch bowls, Jell-O, pony kegs, beer balls, funnels, coolers, or trash cans.
8. Alcoholic beverages will be served only in one designated area that will be entered only by persons 21 years of age and older. The designated area must be an area or a room clearly separated from the social function.
a) To enter the designated service area, an individual must be wearing a wristband identifying him or her as 21
years of age or older.
b) Presidents and social chairs of the host organization(s) and risk management staff who are under 21 years of
age may enter the designated service provided they are fulfilling official duties, they do not consume alcoholic
beverages, and they do not remove any alcoholic beverages from the service area.
9. No one leaving the designated service area may have more than one container of alcohol; Beer may not exceed
12 ounces, Champagne or wine 5 ounces in capacity.
10. A Bartender who has been TIPS trained (Training for Intervention Procedures) and attended a class on risk
management procedures must staff the bar. Bartenders are required to follow the state law with regard to the
serving of intoxicated drinkers.
11. A supply of food and non-alcoholic beverages sufficient to last the entire event must be provided in the common
areas as well as in the designated service area. It is the host organization’s responsibility to maintain this supply.
12. No organization may schedule, advertise, plan, or allow drinking games or contests.
13. Each organization shall maintain a standard operating procedure for safe transportation for any off-campus event.
Further, each organization shall work in conjunction with the Safe Rides Van to ensure that safe transportation is
available to all guests of any event.
14. No organization may advertise an event with reference or inference to alcohol, nor shall this advertisement be
demeaning to any group or individual. Advertisement includes but is not limited to flyers, posters, sidewalk chalk
and t-shirts.
15. Weekday parties must end the service of alcohol by 12:00 midnight and no alcoholic beverages may be in
possession after 1:00 a.m. in or around the house. A weekend party must end the service of alcohol by 1:30 a.m. and no alcohol may be in possession after 2:30 a.m. in or around the house.
a) A Risk Manager must remain throughout the hour designated on the registration form for a party with alcohol
unless it is determined that the party with alcohol cannot safely continue, at which point the party will be
b) Risk Managers must be on duty until the event is closed; Bartenders and ID Checkers must be on duty while
alcohol is present.
c) Students may remain and socialize and have music as long as the Risk Manager chooses to remain on duty.
16. Patterson Court is limited to two weekday registered parties per week to be coordinated through Patterson Court Council and the Patterson Court Adviser. If an organization(s) wishes to sponsor a party with the College Union at any agreed upon location(s), such co-sponsored parties will not count for the weekday party with alcohol limit. In these cases, the Union will monitor the alcohol policy.

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