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Davidson students and organizations are required to be familiar with the Davidson College Alcohol Policy and to operate within that policy. Patterson Court organizations have a special responsibility to ensure that their officers and members know and abide by the ABC laws of the state, as well as be knowledgeable of the policies of their inter/national organization where applicable. Ignorance of policy is not a defensible excuse.
Alcoholic beverages may be consumed in certain spaces (example, Lilly Gallery) on the campus during specific events, as designated in advance by the Dean of Students.
• Contact the Dean of Students at least one month prior to the event via e-mail to request permission.
• In your request state event, event type, time, place, and purpose.
• If the event is a fundraiser, forms must be filled out through the college union (contact William Brown).
• Student organizations granted permission must meet with either the Patterson court Advisor (Patterson Court
organizations) or the Assistant Dean of Students (all other student organizations)to discuss details of the event. Alcoholic beverages may not be served to, possessed by, and/or consumed by individuals under the legal drinking age. Members of the sponsoring organization nor student Risk Managers are not allowed to serve alcoholic beverages.
• 3rd party servers must be used with advance approval by the Dean of Students.
• There must be a designated bar space.
• ID’s must be presented to Bartenders before alcohol can be served.
o Events sponsored by Student Organizations must have an outside vendor employ a wrist-banding system for identifying those students who are of legal age.
• Alcohol must be confined to the approved space only. (ie. Lilly Gallery approved space- alcohol not permitted to be taken beyond the gallery into Chambers or outside)
Security in the form of hired police officers is required for all student events that serve alcohol in spaces that require special permission. The number of officers per event will be determined by the Dean of Students.
Alcohol Policy Enforcement
1. The Dean of Students Office adjudicates violations of the Davidson College Alcohol Policy. Three total violations, regardless of category, will result in Code of Responsibility charges.
2. Individual Violations
Students who are found responsible for a violation of the alcohol policy will receive a sanction. In most circumstances, a student violates the alcohol policy will be subject to the following:
First offense:
The student may be required to meet with a representative of the Student Life Staff and will receive a follow-up warning letter from the Dean of Students, and pay a $50 fine.
Second offense:
The student will be required to meet with a representative of the Student Life Staff, receive a follow up warning letter, plus a $100 fine and be required to complete 5 hours of college service within one month of committing the violation. Furthermore, a letter will be sent home to the student’s parents or guardians.
Third offense:
• A third offense of the alcohol violation will automatically result in a hearing before the Judicial Committee, plus a $200 fine and a letter sent home to the student’s parents or guardians. The Judicial Committee has 58

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