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the full range of listed sanctions available, including but not limited to: probation, college service, an additional fine, eviction from college housing, and referral to a Student Life staff member.
Students who have consumed alcohol to the point of severe intoxication (i.e. requiring assistance from staff or medical personnel) will also be referred to Student Counseling for an alcohol assessment. Parental notification will likely occur in these circumstances, even if it is the student's first offense.
In a case where additional non-alcohol violations have occurred, the student may face Code of Responsibility charges and advance through the conduct procedures as outlined in the Code of Disciplinary Procedures.
In most cases, if one calendar year passes without an alcohol violation, all previous violations will not be considered.
3. Providing alcohol to underage students
Students who use alcohol must do so responsibly and in a way that does not compromise the rights and safety of themselves or others. Students and student organizations should never supply alcohol to underage students.
Students who supply alcohol to an underage student or students may be subject to the following sanctions:
• First offense: The student may be required to meet with a representative of the Dean of Students, will receive a follow-up warning letter, pay a fine of $75 and be required to complete 5 hours of college service within one month of committing the violation.
• Second offense: The student will be required to meet with a representative of the Dean of Students, will receive a follow up warning letter, will pay a fine of $150, will complete 10 hours of college service within one month of committing the violation, and a letter will be sent home to the student’s parents or guardians. Additionally, the individual will be placed on social probation for one month from parties in the location or area in which the violation occurs (for example: Martin Court, Patterson Court, Residence Halls, the College Union, etc.).
4. Underage Drinking Games
• First Offense: Students hosting or participating in underage drinking games may be required to meet with a representative of the Dean of Students, will receive a follow-up warning letter, will pay a fine of $75, and a letter will be sent home to the student’s parents or guardians.
• Second Offense: Students hosting or participating in underage drinking games will be required to meet with a representative of the Dean of Students, will receive a follow-up warning letter, will pay a fine of $150, and a letter will be sent home to the student’s parents or guardians. They will be placed on social probation for the remainder of the semester in which violation occurred.
• Third offense: A third offense of Providing Alcohol to Underage Students will automatically result in a hearing before the Judicial Committee, and a letter sent home to the student’s parents or guardians. The Judicial Committee has the full range of listed sanctions available, including but not limited to: probation, college service, an additional fine, eviction from college housing, and referral to a Student Life staff member.

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