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17. Alcohol Quantity Limit Guidelines:
a) Organization Supplied Event. At no party with alcohol shall there be more than 25 cases of beer (12 oz cans)
or equivalent amount of champagne/wine;
b) Once each semester a given organization may petition the Patterson Court Advisor for an exception from the
25 case rule to as high as 35 cases at a specific party which is anticipated to be a larger event. Consideration of approval will be based upon arrangements for additional risk management staffing and/or procedures. Petitions are due to the Patterson Court Advisor at least five (5) business days prior to the event. Those organizations seeking to request additional cases of beer must submit, in writing, their petition to the Patterson Court Advisor. This petition should include the organization’s rationale for an exception to the 25 case rule. All petitions for exception are referred to and must be approved by the Dean of Students with the recommendation of the Patterson Court Advisor.
c) Alcohol limits for registered BYO events are in proportion to the number of 21 year olds at the event. The limit per 21-year-old is one 6-pack of beer or its equivalent in wine, champagne, or liquor. Grain alcohol and bulk containers (including but not limited to kegs, punch bowls, Jell-O, pony kegs, beer balls, funnels, coolers, or trash cans) are expressly forbidden.
d) Glasscontainersofbeer,champagneandwineshallnotbeallowedonPattersonCourtexceptforat spontaneous gatherings where all glass must remain inside the house or on the porch. At non-spontaneous gatherings, glass bottles of champagne must remain behind the bar, under the control of the primary bartender. Organizations will be held responsible for cleaning up broken glass on their plot of land. If after notification, organizations have still not cleaned up glass surrounding their house, the organization will be held accountable to pay a fine as determined by the Patterson Court Office and Physical Plant. *Note: All glass containers must be recycled.
e) All alcohol is to be served in disposable cups and may not be served in cans or bottles. In order to provide an increased level of security against the unwanted inclusion of foreign substances into drinks (e.g. “date rape drugs”), sponsoring organizations must make available to those requesting them tops for the cups.
Guidelines for BYO Parties
Bring Your Own (BYO) events place a greater level of responsibility upon the individual supplying his or her own alcohol, but this fact does not reduce the obligation of the host/sponsor organization to control the event and to enforce College and state regulations.
1. All aspects of the college alcohol policy shall apply to BYO events, except where these BYO regulations amend the general guidelines.
2. All BYO events for which an organization advertises or expects more than 30 people must be registered in the Patterson Court office and will follow risk management standards just like every other social event where alcohol is present.
Alcohol limits for registered BYO events are in proportion to the number of 21 year olds at the event. The limit per 21-year-old is (6) 12-ounce beers, or one (1) pint of liquor, or 750 ml unfortified wine or champagne, which will be checked in at the bar; grain alcohol and bulk containers (including but not limited to kegs, punch bowls, Jell-O, pony kegs, beer balls, funnels, coolers, or trash cans) are expressly forbidden.
3. Any unused alcohol shall not become the property of the host organization.
4. Violations are referred to the Patterson Court Judiciary Board.
Regulations for Student Organization Alcohol Usage in Spaces that Require Special Permission
It is the policy of Davidson College to comply with the laws of the State of North Carolina regarding the use, sale, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Davidson College requires that all student organizations that serve alcohol comply with college policies and guidelines regarding liability insurance, which includes coverage relating to the use, sale, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The college will determine the minimum amount of liability coverage organizations need.

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