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#12 to Vail Commons and back to Patterson Court #1. This includes the grassy areas up to the patios of all
Patterson Court houses.
c) Turner House (Including Patio and front porch).
d) The Armfield courtyard, as defined by the grassy area in front of Armfield up to, but not including, Senior
4. Alcoholic beverages may also be consumed in other spaces on the campus during specific events, as designated
in advance by the Dean of Students.
5. Students of legal age who use alcohol should do so responsibly and in a way that does not compromise the rights
and safety of themselves or others.
6. Students of legal age and student organizations should never supply alcohol to underage students.
7. Alcoholic beverages may not be used, sold, possessed or consumed at sporting events, including intramural and
club sports, on the Main Campus or the Lake Campus.
8. No funds collected by the college designated for student activities may be used for the purchase of alcoholic
beverages for service to persons under the legal drinking age.
9. Davidson College requires that all student organizations that serve alcohol comply with college policies and
guidelines regarding liability insurance, which includes coverage relating to the use, sale, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The college will determine the minimum amount of liability coverage organizations need.
Regulations in the Residence Halls
1. There shall be no alcohol consumed in any public areas of a residence hall, including lounges, hallways, bathrooms, stairwells, or surrounding areas.
2. No alcohol in the residence hall may be provided from common containers including but not limited to kegs, punch bowls, Jell-O, pony kegs, beer balls, trashcans, and funnels.
3. Students are responsible for their own conduct and that of their guests in individual rooms. Only those individuals of legal age may possess alcoholic beverages. The host(s) will be subject to disciplinary action if there is excessive noise or over-crowding in the room or if those consuming alcohol are underage.
4. Resident Advisers and Hall Counselors are primarily responsible for monitoring and enforcing the policies regarding the use of alcoholic beverages in the residence halls. They are to report any infractions of this policy to the Dean of Students Office by completing an incident report. The Resident Adviser, Hall Counselor or Building Manager will inform a student that he/she will be the subject of an incident report. Violations of the Alcohol Policy are violations against the Code of Responsibility and may be reported by any student, faculty, or staff member to the Office of the Dean of Students.
Regulations in Martin Court
Martin Court staff and Davidson College Police are required to see that the Davidson College Alcohol Policy is followed accordingly in the apartments.
1. Occupancy in Martin Court apartments is not to exceed 25 persons. Violations of this limit will be handled accordingly:
1st offense:
2nd offense: 3rd offense: 4th offense:
Warning. However, if the number exceeds 35, each apartment resident will be assessed 5 hours of service to the community
A minimum of 10 hours of service to the community per apartment resident Referral to the Judicial Board for Code of Responsibility charges/sanctions Removal from Martin Court

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