Page 13 - MAVR Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 1 (April 2018)
P. 13

the design and use of MAR applications for tourism contexts. As a result of these
               iterations of development, a platform was developed that can allow novice computer
               users to create augmented tourism environments. This system was able to connect
               existing tools in widespread use such as Google Forms and connect them to computer
               vision algorithms needed for more advanced augmented tourism environments. The
               study concludes with a discussion of this MAR platform and reveals design elements
               that have implications for tourism contexts. The study also points to future case uses

               and design approaches for augmented tourism.

               Keywords: Augmented tourism, augmented reality, user experience, mobile design,

               Digital Article Identifier (DAI): urn:dai:10.1999/1307-6892/10008499

               PDF link:

               8.   Upcoming MAVR Events

               MAVR SIG Forum and Showcase
               JALT PanSIG on May 19-20, 2018

               Here is the line-up of speakers:

                   ● The State of MAVR - Eric Hawkinson
                   ● Promoting Autonomy for Student Orientations in Self-Access Learning Centres -
                       Euan Bonner & Erin Frazer
                   ● Creating a Multilingual Audio-Guided Virtual Campus Tour Using Story Spheres:
                       ICU Case - Bobby Figueroa
                   ● Connecting to Puerto Rico through Augmented and Virtual Realities - Elisabeth
                       Fernandes & Parisa Mehran

                   ● What Should We Be Using VR for in the Second Language Classroom? - Chris
                   ● VR and Academic Writing - Jennifer Teeter

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