Page 65 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
P. 65

AJA Industry AffIlIAte MeMbers
           Guest Editorial
           Continued from page 5
                                                                          American Correctional Association
                                                                          American Federation of State,
                                                                             County, and Municipal Employees
           first contract is over. First-time   They are simply burnt out   Association of Women Executives in
           re-enlistment rates vary from   with respect to the stresses that   Corrections (AWEC)
           year to year and from one     military service entails.  While   Bill Glass Behind the Walls
           service branch to another, but   military leaders undoubtedly
           for several decades now only   wish things were different, they   Catholic Charities
           about 22 to 40% of first-enlist-  also understand that this is the
           ment service members re-enlist   nature of military service. It   Colorado Jail Association
           for a second term of service   plans and operates under this   Companions Journeying Together
           (22% Marines, 25% Navy, 26%   reality.
           Army, and 40% Air Force).  The   The military has adapted to   Correction Captains’ Association, Inc.
           Department of Defense spends   the idea that many who enlist   Freedom Forever Ministries
           millions of dollars in retention   will find the stressful, regi-
           efforts, with most of this money   mented work of being a service   Good News Jail & Prison Ministry
           spent on re-enlistment bonus   member to be a career choice    IAHV Prison Program/Formally
           incentives.  Nevertheless, mili-  that does not suit them as a    Prison Smart
           tary leaders also accept the fact   decades-long calling. And the
           that military service takes great   military presumably under-  Institute for Higher Education Policy
           personal sacrifice—a sacrifice   stands that it is in the best   Michigan Sheriffs’ Coordinating &
           most are not willing to make   interest of the organization and   Training Council
           for their entire adulthood.   the individual in question that
             The available research      those who do not want to be      Middle Atlantic States Correctional
                                                                             Association (MASCA)
           reveals that the primary reason   here leave in light of the stakes.
           that service members do not re-                                Missouri Sheriffs’ Association
           enlist is that they have grown   When Retention Is the
           tired of the personal sacrifices   Problem                     National Commission on Correctional
                                                                             Health Care
           and rigors of military life.     Retaining corrections officers
           They were willing to make that   is typically described as a good   New Jersey County Jail Wardens
           sacrifice for their nation for a   thing, and understandably so.   Association
           time, but not for their whole   Replacing a trained and certi-  North Carolina Jail Administrators’
           adult life. They want to regain   fied officer with a new recruit is   Association
           their personal freedoms and   expensive and time-consuming.
           be home more often with their   But, in looking to your experi-  Policy Research, Inc.
           families. It is not fear of danger   ence in corrections, how many   The Rape Crisis Center
           that drives their decisions, as   officers who are ultimately
           retention tends to be higher   branded as “bad apples” inside   San Joaquin County Correctional
           during periods of war. And it   the agency or in the public eye   Officers Association
           is also not a financial decision,   actually began their career as   South Carolina Jail Administrators’
           as most first-enlistment service   serviceable corrections officers?   Association
           members enter lower-paying    How often have you seen high-
           jobs or become college students   level performers become toxic   Story Chain
           upon first leaving the military.   as they hit the point of mid-  University Enterprises Corporation
                                         career? Would those men and
                                         women better serve their agen-   Virginia Association of Regional Jails
                                         cies and their families, in the   WTS Medical STAFFING, LLC
                                         long run, by finding another
                                         line of work?                    Wisconsin Jail Association

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