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Recognizing the

                                       BEST of the BEST

               he American Jail Association is committed to the professional growth of our nation’s jails. There are dedicated
               people in every organization who work long and hard to ensure their organizations continue to grow profes-
           Tsionally. Among these professionals are some whose performance is exceptional.
           The Awards Committee of the American Jail Association is asking you to identify these exceptional practitioners so they
           can be recognized publicly at AJA’s 41st Conference & Jail Expo in Long Beach, California, May 21–25, 2022.

                FRANCIS R. “DICK” FORD DISTINGUISHED                VALOR AWARD
                SERVICE AWARD                                       This award is presented to any corrections
                This award is named in honor of the American        professional whose action(s) was clearly above
                Jail Association’s first Executive Director.        and beyond the call of duty.

                •  It recognizes a lifetime of professional         •  Displayed actions not normally involved in the
                   excellence in the field of local corrections        performance of duties, of an extraordinary
                   and detention.                                      nature, or an outstanding execution of duties
                •  Any individual, active or retired, who has dem-     that involved great courage or heroism.
                   onstrated exceptional leadership and a sincere   •  Demonstrated unusual judgment, zeal, brav-
                   commitment to the professional advancement          ery and/or ingenuity that averted or minimized
                   of jails and their operations is eligible.          a potential disaster.
                •  Credible nominations must include examples       •  Showed extraordinary decision-making,
                   of accomplishments that demonstrate the             presence of mind, and swiftness of action to
                   individual’s extraordinary leadership, vision,      save the life of any person or people in
                   and devotion to the profession.                     imminent danger.
                Nominees are not required to be members of          The nomination must be supported by official
                AJA, and the award may or may not be accorded       incident reports and witnessed by a jail admin-
                annually.                                           istrator, letters of commendation, and/or police
                INNOVATION AWARD
                This award is presented to any correctional agency   RAY COLEMAN CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATOR
                that has developed an innovative and progressive    OF THE YEAR AWARD
                approach that can help the industry as a whole.     •  Successfully manages contemporary day-to-
                                                                       day jail problems, such as crowded conditions,
                •  Contributions had a significant impact on the       mental health, personnel shortages, litigation,
                   effective and efficient operations of the jail      etc.
                •  The proposed solution and the resulting          •  Promotes a professional image of the facility
                                                                       and the personnel who staff it.
                   benefit are clearly stated in the submission.
                •  It holds a reasonable prospect of implementa-    •  Encourages and implements jail staff train-
                                                                       ing and programs as well as inmate programs
                   tion by other agencies, organizations or commu-     that enhance the efficient operation of the jail.
                   nities, as judged by the Awards Committee.
                •  It is not a duplicate of an active suggestion or    Candidates must be employees of a governmen-
                                                                    tal or tribal correctional facility and have the
                   a proposal that has been previously, or is       endorsement of their immediate supervisor.
                   currently, under consideration by AJA.

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