Page 9 - 2021_American Jails NovDec
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           Thank You for the Opportunity

           to Serve

           “Thank you for your service.”   This edition of American      Once again, thank you to       Chris D. Daniels
             If you are a veteran, you   Jails recognizes the veterans   all of our veterans for your
           have likely heard this state-  in our nation’s jails—both   service. And to all our correc-
           ment numerous times from     officers and inmates. In      tions staff, thank you for your
           many people. Although I      these pages, readers will     service as well to our com-
           always appreciate the senti-  find “Brothers Supporting    munities. If my expression of
           ment, the first response that   Brothers,” as several jails   gratitude didn’t flip the switch
           flashes through my mind is   highlight their programs for   in your mind to “thank you
           “thank you for the opportu-  veterans operated by veterans.   for the opportunity to serve,”
           nity to serve.”              I also recommend turning to   I hope that someday it will.
             For most of us, military   page 70 to “Meet the Marine   Consider how the challenges
                                                                      you’ve faced have sculpted
           service was a transformational   Corps Installations Brig” in   you into the person you’ve
                                        Okinawa, Japan, and page 56,
           experience that had a lasting   where inmates at the Camp   become.
           impact on our lives. We were   Lejeune Brig are training dogs
           young and impressionable,    to help their veteran brothers.  Those who give the most
           and put into situations where                              of themselves to our society
           our only option to getting      Speaking of tenacity, the   are the ones who are the most
           through it was by relying on   second article in Brenda    admired, respected, and hon-
           our tenacity and military train-  Dietzman’s resilience series   ored by others—and the ones
           ing. We didn’t realize it at the   can be found on page 15. The   who have the most reasons
           time, but the challenges we   first article was published in   to be proud when they reflect
           encountered were sculpting   the September/October 2021    back upon their lives.
           our character, transforming   edition of American Jails.
           us into the kind of person we   Then beginning on page 43,   CHRIS D. DANIELS, MPA, CAE
           would become later in life.  AJA provides the first pre-   Executive Director
             Military service instilled   view for the 41st Conference   American Jail Association
           a belief in ourselves that we   & Jail Expo in Long Beach,
           could overcome anything—if   California. On location May
           we set our mind to it. As a   21–25, 2022, we are excited
           veteran myself, that belief has   that our conference can pro-
           stayed with me for my entire   vide attendees with education
           life.                        and networking. In addition,      Military service instilled a
             If you reflect on your career   Long Beach is the perfect
           in corrections in the same   place to recharge and refresh    belief in ourselves that we
                                        our commitment to adapt
           light, you may notice the    and excel in our jails and our
           many parallels. Life’s lessons   communities. Registration and   could overcome anything—
           never come easily. Because   housing for the conference
           you experience them in a jail   open on November 17th. Mark
           as a corrections officer, they   your calendars!                  if we set our mind to it.
           certainly may not seem like
           they are building your tenacity
           in the moment. That perspec-
           tive that comes with time and

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