Page 13 - Teacher Created Materials EE Guide 09-18 - CA
P. 13
Retirement Planning
Mass Mutual | 401(k)
You are encouraged to participate in Teacher Created Materials’ 401(k) plan. This plan allows you to fund your retirement with pre‐
tax dollars. To be eligible for the plan you must be 18 years of age or older. If you are a full-time employee, you will become eligible
to participate in the Plan on the first day of the month following the completion of 3 consecutive months of full-time employment.
If you are a temporary or a seasonal employee, you will become eligible after credited with at least 1,000 hours during a
consecutive 12 month period. You will receive an enrollment kit in the mail before your enrollment date containing important
information to help you understand the Plan and the investment choices available to you. Note, you will be automatically enrolled
into the plan at 5% of your compensation if you do not make an affirmative election otherwise. You may defer up to 100% of your
pay in the Plan’s 401(k) feature, subject to IRS deferral limits:
401(k) IRS Maximums 2018 2019
Elective Deferral $18,500 Indexed for Inflation
Catch-Up for Employees Age 50+ $6,000 Indexed for Inflation
If you are an eligible participant who is age 50 or older during the calendar year, the IRS allows you to make a special “catch-up”
contribution as noted in the table above. In general, catch-up contributions are salary deferral contributions that exceed the annual
IRS elective deferral or the Plan-imposed limit, whichever applies.
Teacher Created Materials’ contributions will be based on a discretionary percentage of your contributions, up to a percentage of
your pay. You may also receive profit sharing contributions which are allocated as a percentage of your pay that exceeds the
taxable wage base. Each year, Teacher Created Materials may make qualified non-elective contributions. These contributions will
grow tax-deferred. You will receive match contributions and profit sharing if you work over 1,000 hours in a plan year and are
employed on the last day of the plan year. Please refer to your Summary Plan Description for more details.
Identity Protection
LifeLock | Identity Theft Insurance
You can purchase Identify Theft through LifeLock at discounted group rates. Identity theft can occur if someone uses your personal
information without your permission to commit fraud or other crimes such as opening new accounts, filing fake tax returns, renting
or buying property, etc. LifeLock uses proprietary technology that searches for a wide range of potential threats to your identity. If
LifeLock sees activity with your personal information, they will alert you by text, email or phone. If you become a victim of identity
theft while a LifeLock member, a dedicated US-based Identity Restoration Specialist will work with you from start to finish to help
fix the issue. you have money stolen due to identity theft, LifeLock will replace it, as provided by your plan.
For More Information or to Enroll
Go to or call (800) 607-9174.
Pet Insurance
United Pet Care | Pet Insurance
With the United Pet Care (UPC) discount plan, you can reduce the cost of your veterinary bills by saving up to 50% on each
veterinary visit for your pet when you visit a contracted UPC provider. This plan offers discounts for office visits, procedures,
medications, and more. With UPC’s program, there are no deductibles, no claim forms, no exclusions due to pre-existing conditions
or age, no annual dollar limitations, no waiting periods, and no limit on the number of visits annually. Three discount program
options are available so you can select the plan that is best for you and your pets.