Page 13 - Tender Greens EE Guide 01-20
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When you don’t feel well, or your child is sick, the last thing you want to do is leave the comfort of home to sit in a waiting room.
Now you don’t have to.
Teladoc lets you see and talk to a doctor from your mobile device or computer without an appointment. Most visits take about
10-15 minutes and doctors can write a prescription, if needed, that you can pick up at your local pharmacy. This service is part
of your health benefits offered through Blue Shield.
HMO & PPO Plans: $5 per visit
PPO HDHP: $45 Copay (until the deductible is met, then $5 Copay)
Good For Not Good For
• Colds, fever, and flu • Anything that requires
• Allergies a hands-on exam Accessing Teladoc
• Sore Throat • Anything requiring a Register today so you’ll be ready to use
• Headache test Teladoc services when you need them.
• Stomach Ache • Cancer or other
• and more! complex conditions
• Chronic conditions
• Sprains, broken bones, Or search for Teledoc’s mobile app in the
or injuries requiring Google Play or Apple App Store.
If you are a Blue Shield PPO HDHP or PPO medical participant, you
can see a doctor anytime, anywhere through Heal. This service is
provided to you when you are sick, well, or when you simply need
help finding a new primary care physician. With flexible service
offerings that coordinate with our Blue Shield health plans, let Heal
connect you with a great physician who provides on-demand house
calls where you’re seen in 2 hours or less.
After waiting for days or weeks to get an appointment with your PCP,
you might spend just 5-10 minutes with them after an average 22 Accessing Heal
minutes in the waiting room. Your Heal doctor house call is 400%
longer, averaging 31 minutes. Schedule a doctor house call 8:00am-
8:00pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
(including weekends and holidays).
PPO HDHP: 20% Coinsurance after deductible
PPO: $25 Copay
HMO members can use Heal, but you will be charged the retail cost.
Team Member Benefits 13