Page 10 - Tender Greens Benefit Guide Sample
P. 10
Online Benefits Enrollment
With Ultimate Software, you and your family can access your benefits information whenever you want, from home or any
place where you have Internet access. Use Ultimate Software to make your benefit elections, update your personal
information, and to locate important benefits documents.
To Enroll or Make Changes to Your Benefits
Log in to using Employer ID #123456. You’ll be asked to enter your username and
your password:
• User Name: For first time users, your User Name is your first initial and last name (no spaces/no hyphens),
up to a maximum of 10 characters.
• Password. For first time users, it is the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.
Once you are logged into the website, follow the prompts on each page to complete your benefit enrollment. You will be
asked to verify that your personal information is correct and enter in any of your dependent information.
It is very important that you login to Ultimate Software and verify your personal information, elect or decline coverage, and
identify a beneficiary for your life insurance.