Page 6 - Tender Greens Benefit Guide Sample
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         COST TO THE MEMBER 2019

         My Health Assessment

         Taking a health assessment is a quick and easy way to determine the current state of your overall health, and to figure out
         what steps you need to take now to improve your health in the future. Log In or Register at myBlue and select
         Take My Health Assessment to the right of the screen and follow the registration instructions until you reach My Health &
         Wellness Center.   Select the “Take My Health Assessment” link on this page. After completing the health assessment, you’ll
         receive a wellness score based on how you compared to people in your gender and age group. But that’s not all. You’ll also
         get recommended next steps to help you get started on a path to better health. And based on your responses, you may also
         receive a web invitation to join one of Blue Shield’s Online Health Coaching Programs for the support you need to get healthy
         and  stay  healthy.    When  you  enroll  in  any  of  Blue  Shield’s  Online  Health  Coaching  Programs,  you’ll  experience
         encouragement and support you need to start making healthy lifestyle changes. Blue Shield’s offers individual programs that
         focus on sleep, physical activity, nutrition, and stress.

         Health Rewards
          Value-added health and wellness member discount program
          Up to 40% discount
          No claim forms or physician referrals; members pay discounted rate for services
          Over 12,000 fitness facilities including Curves, Anytime Fitness, select Gold’s Gym, Jazzercise, Snap Fitness and other
            chain/local centers
          Alternative Medicine featuring over 31,000 chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and Registered Dietitians
          Weight Management Programs
            Tobacco Cessation Programs
          Online store featuring vitamins & supplements, herbal products, dental products, homeopathic remedies, natural
            products, diet & sports nutrition, yoga & fitness activities, personal body care, books, audio, video & DVDs
          Retrieve your healthy rewards discounts by logging into your myBlue account or call (800) 870-3470

                     24/7 NurseLine

                     Easy toll-free access to answers: (866) 494-2111

                     When individuals have questions about their health and need to talk to a health care professional, they can
                     easily connect through our toll-free number to:

                      Get pertinent health information in plain language that’s easy to understand and use.

                      Know whether to immediately call a physician, go to the emergency room or use a home
                        remedy to treat a condition.
                      Calm their fears and get specific instructions about caring for a child.
                      Make a decision about whether to continue treatment with a current physician.

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