Page 2 - Tender Greens Benefit Guide Sample
P. 2
Enrollment Information
- Who may enroll 2
- When you can enroll 2
- Paying for your coverage 3
- Changes to enrollment 3
Medical Options
- Health Benefits 4
- Prescription Drug Benefits 4
Blue Shield Offerings 6
Tips for Using Your Plans Wisely 7
Dental 8
Tender Greens is proud to offer a generous benefit program
that gives you flexibility and choice. This brochure provides a Vision 9
summary of your benefit options and is designed to help you
make choices and enroll for coverage. Online Benefits Enrollment 10
If you would like more information about any of the benefits Life and AD&D Insurance
described here, please contact the Human Resources - Basic 11
- Voluntary 11
- The Burnham Advocate 12
Resources and Contacts 12
Employee Contributions 13
Who may enroll Paying for your coverage
All eligible employees working at least 20 hours per week and Tender Greens provides a Benefit Cap amount of $7,800
their eligible dependents may participate in Tender Greens. annually for full-time employees and a percentage amount
Your eligible dependents include: for part-time employees. The employee will pay for any
Legally married spouse premium in excess of the Benefit Cap. The Mutual of
Dependent children up to age 26 Omaha Voluntary Life benefits you elect will be paid by
Registered CA Domestic partners you. For a list of tenthly premiums, see the 2019 Benefits
Selection Sheet.
When you can enroll
Eligible employees may enroll at the following times:
During open enrollment.
As a new hire, you may participate in Tender Greens’ contributory benefits on the first of the month following the
completion of 30 days of full-time employment.
Within 31 days of a change in status/qualifying event (see changes to enrollment).
All eligible employees may enroll for voluntary life insurance at any time, subject to proof of good health and carrier