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Supplemental Benefits

         You may purchase additional insurance from Colonial Life that will help to cover additional out-of-pocket
         expenses. These policies offer direct-to-the-policyholder cash payouts to help cover what other insurance doesn’t.
         Your premiums are paid through payroll deductions on an after-tax basis. These Colonial Life policies are portable,
         which means that you can keep them should you change jobs or retire, with no increase in premiums.

         Colonial Life | Disability Insurance             Colonial Life | Critical Illness Insurance
         Disability insurance replaces a portion of your   Critical Illness insurance complements our medical coverage
         income if you become unable to work due to a     by providing a lump sum benefit you can use to help pay the
         covered injury or sickness. This plan is         direct and indirect cost related to a covered critical illness
         customizable, so you may select the level of     such as heart attack, stroke, major organ failure, end stage
         coverage that is right for your individual needs.    renal (kidney) failure, cancer, permanent paralysis due to a
                                                          covered accident, coma, blindness, and more. This plan also
         Colonial Life | Accident Insurance               pays benefits if you receive a wellness screening performed
         Accident insurance helps offset the unexpected   from their list of covered screenings.
         medical expenses, such as deductibles, copays,
         transportation, and other expensed that can      Colonial Life | Hospital Confinement
         result from a fracture, dislocation, or other    Indemnity Insurance
         covered accidental injury. Six plan choices with   Hospital Indemnity provides a lump sum benefit for hospital
         varying benefit amounts and three optional       confinement and outpatient surgery to help offset the gaps
         riders are available.                            caused by copays and deductibles in major medical plans.

         Colonial Life | Cancer Insurance                 Colonial Life | Term, Universal &
         Cancer insurance helps offset the out-of-pocket   Whole Life Insurance
         medical and indirect expenses related to cancer   You are offered the opportunity to purchase, Term,
         that most medical plans may not cover—           Universal, and/or Whole Life Insurance to provide financial
         estimated to be 65% of the total cost of         security for your family members.
         treatment! This plan also pays a benefit if you
         incur a charge and have one wellness test        •   Term Life remains level for the period of time you
         performed from their list of covered tests. Four     select—10, 20, or 30 years
         levels of coverage are available.                •   Universal Life offers a flexible premium, and adjustable
                                                              death benefit that accumulates cash value based on
                                                              current interest rates
                                                          •   Whole Life Insurance is an individually owned plan with
                                                              guaranteed level premiums, guaranteed cash values, and
                                                              a guaranteed death benefit

           For More Information
           Contact Peter Crosby of Colonial Life by calling
           (858) 673-6995 or via email at

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