Page 5 - Rampart EE Guide 01-19 (flipbook)
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Cigna | OAP with HRA Medical Plan
The Cigna Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) plan is an employer-funded, tax-advantaged plan that reimburses you for
your out-of-pocket healthcare expenses. Rampart Supply contributes $1,500 for individual and $3,000 for family accounts. These
funds will be used, upon your completion of a reimbursement request, to pay covered claims applied to your annual deductible.
Once your HRA funds are exhausted, you will be responsible to pay for the applicable medical expenses out of pocket until your
annual deductible has been met. There will not be any balance in the HRA account carried over to subsequent years. All expenses
are subject to the deductible except preventive services and prescription drugs.
If you receive care from a physician who is a member of the network, a greater percentage of the entire cost will be paid by the
insurance plan, however, you are not limited to the physicians within the network and you may self-refer to specialists. If you
obtain services using a non-network provider, please note that you will be responsible for the difference between the covered
amount and the actual charges, and you may be responsible for filing claims.
Finding a Medical Provider
Go to or if not enrolled, and click on “Find a Doctor”. Click on “Plans
offered through your employer or school” or call (866) 494-2111. Refer to the “Cigna Open Access Plus”
network when prompted.
Cigna Telehealth Connection
Cigna Telehealth Connection lets you get the care you need – including most prescriptions – for a wide range of minor conditions.
Now you can connect with a board-certified doctor via video chat or phone, without leaving your home or office. You may choose
between two different health consultants – Amwell or MDLIVE. Both Amwell and MDLIVE operate national networks of board-
certified doctors who are able to treat minor medical conditions such as allergies, cold and flu and sinusitis. Both will have the
capability to share consult notes with the consumer's primary care physician
To Use Cigna Telehealth Connection
• Amwell: Go to or call (855) 667-9722.
• MDLIVE: Go to or call (888) 726-3171.
Cigna One Guide
Get exclusive, personalized support in the palm of your hand. Your Cigna mobile app just got an upgrade, thanks to the Cigna One
Guide Service. Fully integrated search tools, claims dashboard, custom health team, proactive messages and digital ID cards.
Download and log into the myCigna app today. In addition to the click-to-chat feature, personal guides are also available by
phone (866) 494-2111.
Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)
Health insurance issuers and group health plans are required to provide you with an easy-to-understand summary about your
health plan’s benefits and coverage, referred to as a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). This guide is designed to help you
understand the medical plan options offered to you by Rampart Supply. Please refer to the SBC and carrier contracts provided by
Cigna for additional plan details.