Page 2 - QSC EE Guide 07-19 CA
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Quality is essential in Service is about meeting Commitment is standing
everything we make and the real needs of our behind our word. It is
everything we do. customers. Along with doing the right thing
Consistent and pervasive quality it sets us apart and simply because it is the
quality sets us apart and provides value to others. right thing to do. Go the
increases our value to Anticipate the needs of distance to ensure that a
others. Constantly striving others and help them to be promise made or implied is
to improve our quality not successful. Let care for a promise kept.
only builds our business others guide your
but helps us grow as decisions and efforts.
individuals. Excellence is a
sign of respect for our
customers, our suppliers
and ourselves.
Integrity is the foundation Teams can achieve far
of trust. Act with honesty more than individuals.
and fairness towards Harness the power of Joy and hard work go hand
everyone. Treat others as people through effective
you would have them treat teamwork within QSC, and in hand. Nothing of lasting
you. Always make throughout the customer merit can be achieved
decisions based on the chain. without hard work, but
long term best interest of hard work cannot be
all parties. sustained without enjoying
the work. Our goals and
standards make hard work
essential. At the same
time, make sure to have
fun all along the way.