Page 5 - QSC EE Guide 07-19 CA
P. 5

The care you need—

         when you need it

         You can talk to a US board certified doctor any time of day, wherever you are. TeleHealth’s doctors and therapists
         are available 24/7/365 to resolve many of your medical issues through phone or video consultations without
         leaving your home or office—no appointments, and no waiting!

         You may choose between two different health consultants – Amwell or MDLIVE. Both Amwell and MDLIVE operate
         national networks of board-certified doctors who are able to treat minor medical conditions such as allergies, cold,
         flu, and sinusitis. Both have the capability to share consult notes with your primary care physician.

                        HSA: $45 MDLive, $49 AmWell (Applied to Deductible)
                        HMO Select: $20
                        HMO Full: $30
                        PPO: $30

                 Good For                   Not Good For
         •   Colds, fever, and flu   •   Anything that requires a
         •   Allergies                   hands-on exam                              Accessing TeleHealth
         •   Sore Throat             •   Anything requiring a                  Register today so you’ll be ready to
                                                                               use TeleHealth services when you
         •   Headache                    test                                  need them.
         •   Stomach Ache            •   Cancer or other
         •   and more!                   complex conditions               
                                     •   Chronic conditions               
                                     •   Sprains, broken bones,
                                         or injuries requiring

                                                   Here’s How it Works:
                  Connecting to a US board certified doctor with your computer, phone, or mobile device is easy!

         Sign up online to use TeleHealth day,   Click on your selected doctor to   The doctor will review your health
            night, weekends, and holidays         review your health issues        history, answer questions, assess
                                                                                  your condition and even prescribe
                                                                                        medications if needed
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