Page 14 - Oremor Benefits Flipbook
P. 14


         Travel Assistance Program

         Worldwide Travel Assist | Mutual of Omaha
         OREMOR Automotive Group provides a Worldwide Travel Assistance Plan to you at no cost. This program, arranged by Mutual of
         Omaha, offers emergency assistance for up to 90 days in length when you and/or your family are traveling 100+ miles away from
         home or work. Worldwide Travel Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with trained professionals to assist you with
         pre-trip assistance, to provide immediate attention for emergencies while traveling, and for emergency travel support services
            Telephonic translation and interpreter services – 24/7 access to telephone translation services
            Locating legal services – referrals for local attorney or consular offices and help maintain business and family communications
            until legal counsel is retained (includes coordination of financial assistance for bonds/bail)
            Baggage – assistance with lost, stolen or delayed baggage while traveling on a common carrier
            Emergency payment and cash – assistance with advance of funds for medical expenses or other travel emergencies by
            coordinating with your credit card company, bank, employer, or other sources of credit; includes arrangements for emergency
            cash from a friend, family member, business or credit card
            Emergency messages – assistance with recording and retrieving messages between you, your family and/or business associates
            at any time
            Document replacement – coordination of credit card, airline ticket or other documentation replacement
            Vehicle return – if evacuation or repatriation is necessary, return your unattended vehicle to the car rental company

                        Accessing the Travel Assistance Program
                        For inquiries within the US, call toll free at (800) 856-9447. Outside the US, call collect at (312) 935-3658.

         Identity Theft Program

         Identity Theft | Mutual of Omaha

         With the Identity Protection Support Service through Mutual of Omaha and AXA Assistance, you’ll be better protected from the
         often devastating consequences of identity theft. We help you understand the growing threat of identity theft by promoting aware‐
         ness of identity theft, answering your questions about identity theft and how to recognize if you’ve become a victim, and educating
         you on how to avoid having your identity stolen.

         Recovery assistance is available and includes:
            Connecting you to the fraud departments at your bank(s) and credit card companies
            Facilitating access to credit bureaus and obtaining a complimentary credit report
            Guiding you in contacting federal government and local law enforcement agencies and filing reports and complaints

                        Accessing the Identity Theft Program
                        Call AXA Assistance at (800) 856-9947.

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