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         Vision Insurance

         Anthem Blue Cross | PPO Vision Plan
         The Anthem Blue Cross vision plan provides professional vision care and high quality lenses and frames through a broad network of
         optical specialists. You will receive richer benefits if you utilize a network provider. If you utilize a non‐network provider, you will be
         responsible to pay all charges at the time of your appointment and will be required to file an itemized claim with Anthem Blue Cross.

                                                          Anthem Blue Cross                        Note
         Plan Name                                         Blue View Vision                        Anthem’s network
         Network Name                          Blue View Vision            Non‐Network             includes access to
                                                                                                   more than 44,000
         Vision Benefits                                                                           providers and
                                                                                                   provider loca ons
          ‐ Examina on                            $10 Copay                    N/A                 including
          ‐ Materials                             $25 Copay                    N/A                 independent
         Examina on (Every 12 Months)      No Charge a er Exam Copay    $49 Reimbursement          and optometrists, as

         Lenses (Every 12 Months)                                                                  well as
          ‐ Single Vision                No Charge after Materials Copay   $35 Reimbursement       LensCra ers®,
          ‐ Bifocal                      No Charge after Materials Copay   $49 Reimbursement       Target Op cal, Sears
          ‐ Trifocal                     No Charge after Materials Copay   $74 Reimbursement       Op cal, JCPenney
          ‐ Progressive                        $65 ‐ $110 Copay             Not Covered            Op cal and most
                                                                                                   Pearle Vision retail
         Frames (Every 24 Months)                $130 Benefit            $50 Reimbursement          stores.
                                           20% Discount Off Balance

         Contact Lenses (Every 12 Months)               In Lieu of Frames and Lenses
          ‐ Cosme c / Elec ve                    $130 Benefit            $92 Reimbursement
          ‐ Medically Necessary                     100%                $250 Reimbursement

         Laser Vision Correc on                Discounts Apply              Not Covered

                        Finding a Vision Provider
                        Go to or call (866) 723‐0515. Refer to the “Blue View Vision” network when prompted.

         Anthem Blue Cross Online

                           Anthem’s Website                                    Anthem’s Mobile App
         Find a doctor, view claims status, take a health assessment to  Keep your ID card on your phone that can be viewed, faxed or
         receive your overall health score, compare cost and quality for  sent  via  email  right  from  your  mobile  device.   Find  a  doctor,
         common procedures, use the Health Record tool to keep your  find  an  urgent  care  center  or  hospital  fast  with  maps  and
         records available and up to date, refill prescrip ons, and access  driving  direc ons,  use  the  Health  Record  tool  to  keep  your
         SpecialOffers@Anthem product and service discounts.    records available and up to date, compare cost and quality for
                                                               common procedures,

         If  you’re  an  Anthem  member  but  haven’t  registered,  go  to  Anthem’s mobile app is free. To log in on your smartphone, you  from  your  computer  and  click  Register  must be registered on Anthem’s secure member site and have
         Now.                                                  a user name and password.

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