Page 9 - NickCo Hospitality_2017 EE Benefits Guide_Hourly Associates_12.08.16
P. 9


         With PlanSource, you and your family can access your benefits informa on whenever you want, from home or any place where
         you  have  Internet  access.  Use  PlanSource  to  make  your  benefit  elec ons,  update  your  personal  informa on,  and  to  locate
         important benefits documents.

                        To Enroll or Make Changes to Your Benefits
                        Log in to h ps:// . You’ll be asked to enter your username and your password:
                          User Name: For first  me users, your user name is the following: the first ini al of your first name, up to
                           the first six characters of your last name, and the last four of your SSN. For example: If your name is Jane
                           Anderson and the last four of your SSN is 1234, your user name would be janders1234
                          Password. For first  me users, your birthdate in YYYYMMDD format. For example: If you birthdate is
                           August 14, 1962, your password would be 19620814.  At ini al login, you will be prompted to change
                           your password

         Review and update personal information
         A er you have completed logging in click on “Make a Change to My Benefits” to begin. If you are a new hire –  this link will say
         “New  Hire ‐ Enroll” and  during annual enrollment “Enroll –  Annual”.

         Make your benefit elections
           Follow the enrollment through each step of the enrollment process from top to bo om
           In making your elec ons, choose the plan op on of choice or select the “Decline” op on and then select “Con nue” a er each
            elec on has been made un l you reach the confirm page.

         Review and Finalize
         Once you complete all coverage elec ons, you will land on the Confirma on Statement.  Click the “Confirm Enrollment” bu on at
         the bo om of the page to complete your enrollment process.


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