Page 18 - Pathway EE Guide 06-20
P. 18


          All regular full-time employees are eligible to earn and accrue vacation time beginning date of hire.
         •   During the first 2 years of continuous employment, employees accrue paid vacation at the rate of 10 days per year.
         •   Upon completion of the second full year of continuous employment, vacation will accrue at the rate of 15 days per year.
         •   Upon completion of the tenth full year of continuous employment, vacation will accrue at the rate of 20 days per year.
         •   Maximum accrual is 1.5 times the applicable rate.

         Sick Leave
         All employees are eligible to earn and accrue sick leave starting from their date of hire. Sick leave time accrues at the rate of one
         hour per every 30 hours worked up to a maximum of 20 days. Sick leave may be taken for the diagnosis, care or treatment of an
         existing health condition or preventive care, or specified purposes for an employee who is a victim of domestic violence, sexual
         assault, or stalking. Regular full-time employees may utilize accrued sick leave after it is earned. Regular part-time and temporary
         employees may utilize accrued sick leave beginning on the 90th day of employment.

         Pathway observes 10 holidays per year based on the scheduled stock market holidays for the NASDAQ and NYSE. All regular full-
         time employees are eligible for holiday pay.

         An additional 4 days’ paid Holiday Time Off during the weeks of Christmas or New Year’s Day will be given to regular full-time em-
         ployees (subject to prior approval).

         Leaves of Absence (LOA)
          To include but not limited to the following:
         •   Family and Medical Leave
         •   Pregnancy Leave
         •   Military Leave
         •   Bereavement Leave

                                       PAY RAISES AND BONUSES

         Pay increases are based on performance, responsibilities and Pathway’s financial performance. They are not automatic and, if giv-
         en, are effective the beginning of each calendar year.

         All regular full-time employees are eligible for a discretionary bonus. Whether a bonus is distributed and the amount of any bonus
         is based on two primary factors:
         •   The overall performance of the firm
         •   The overall contribution of the individual

         When given, bonuses are typically issued in July or December or in both months; however, bonuses are not guaranteed, nor is the
         amount of any bonus guaranteed.

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