Page 6 - Pathway EE Guide 06-20
P. 6


         Medical Insurance

                                                   Anthem                                 Anthem
         Plan Name                                  HMO                                    HDHP
         Network Name                     California Care HMO (CA Only)     Prudent Buyer PPO        Non-Network
         Health Benefits (You Pay)
         Lifetime Maximum Benefit                  Unlimited                              Unlimited

         Deductible (Annual)
          - Individual                         $500 per member                  $2,800                  $8,400
          - Family                                   N/A                        $5,600                 $16,800
         Co-Insurance (Plan Pays)                   100%                         80%                     60%
         Office Visit Copay
          - Primary Care Physician                $20 Copay               After Deductible, 20%   After Deductible, 50%
          - Specialist Office Visit               $40 Copay               After Deductible, 20%   After Deductible, 50%
          - Virtual Visits                      $49 (cash price)          After Deductible, 20%          N/A
         Out-of-Pocket Maximum
          - Individual                              $3,000                      $5,000                 $15,000
          - Family                                  $6,000                     $10,000                 $30,000

          - Inpatient                                20%                  After Deductible, 20%   After Deductible, 50%
          - Outpatient Surgery                       20%                  After Deductible, 20%   After Deductible, 50%
         Lab and X-Ray                           $0 office/lab            After Deductible, 20%   After Deductible, 50%
                                           (After Ded., 20% outpatient)
                                          $100 advanced (MRI, CT, etc.)
         Emergency Services                After Deductible, $150, 20%               Deductible, $150, 20%

         Urgent Care                              $20 Copay               After Deductible, 20%   After Deductible, 50%
         Preventive Care                          No Charge                   No Charge              Not Covered
         Chiropractic                             $10 Copay               After Deductible, 20%   After Deductible, 45%
                                               Max 30 Visits/Year                     Max 24 Visits/Year
         Pharmacy Benefits (You Pay)

         Pharmacy Deductible                          $0                           Health Deductible Applies
         Retail Pharmacy                                                    After Deductible        After Deductible
          - Tier 1a / Tier 1b                    $5/$20 Copay                $5/$15 Copay                50%
          - Tier 2                                $40 Copay                   $50 Copay                  50%
          - Tier 3                                $75 Copay                   $65 Copay                  50%
          - Supply Limit                           30 Days                     30 Days                 30 Days

         Mail Order Pharmacy                                                After Deductible
          - Tier 1a / Tier 1b                  $12.50/$50 Copay           $12.50/$37.50 Copay        Not Covered
          - Tier 2                                $120 Copay                  $150 Copay             Not Covered
          - Tier 3                                $225 Copay                  $195 Copay             Not Covered
          - Supply Limit                           90 Days                     90 Days                   N/A
         Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)

         This guide is designed to help you understand the medical plan options offered to you by Pathway. Please refer to the SBC and
         carrier contracts provided by Anthem for additional plan details.
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