Page 6 - Kagan Benefit Guide
P. 6


         Dental Insurance

         Principal | POS Dental Plan
         With the Principal Point of Service (POS) dental plan, you may visit an EPO or PPO den st and benefit from the nego ated rate or
         visit a non‐network den st. With Point of Service, the benefit received is determined at the  me of service depending on the type
         of provider you visit for care. A Point of Service design incorporates three benefit levels – Exclusive Provider Organiza on (EPO),
         Preferred Provider Organiza on (PPO) and non‐network. You receive greater savings through den sts who par cipate in the EPO
         and PPO networks.  You may also obtain services using a non‐network dentist; however, you will be responsible for the difference
         between the covered amount and the actual charges and you may be responsible for filing claims.

         Principal | EPO Dental Plan

         With  the  Exclusive  Provider  Organiza on  (EPO)  plan  through  Principal,  you  may  visit  an  EPO  den st  and  benefit  from  the
         nego ated rates for covered services. Out of network services are not covered under this plan.

         We strongly recommend you ask your den st for a predetermina on if total charges are
         expected to exceed $300. Predetermina on enables you and your den st to know in ad‐
         vance what the payment will be for any service that may be in ques on.

         Plan Features                                                         POS Plan

         Network Name                                     EPO                  PPO                 Non‐Network
         Calendar Year Maximums                          $3,000               $2,000                  $1,500

         Deduc ble (Annual)                             $50/$150             $50/$150               $50/$150
          ‐ Individual / Family

         Preven ve  (Plan Pays)                          100%                  100%                   100%
         Exams, X‐Rays, Cleanings                   Deduc ble waived

         Basic Services (Plan Pays)                       80%                  80%                     80%
         Fillings, Oral Surgery,
         Endodon cs, Periodon cs

         Major Services (Plan Pays)                       50%                  50%                     50%
         Crowns, Prosthe cs

         Orthodon a
                                                                            Children & Adults
         ‐ Coinsurance                                                           50%
         ‐ Life me Benefit Maximum                                               $1,500

         Rollover Feature                                                   50%  up to $1,000

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