Page 22 - HM Benefits Guide 2019 CA
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Supplemental Benefits
Because deductibles, coinsurance and copays can be a financial burden to employees, Happy Money
provides you the opportunity to purchase affordable Supplemental Benefits that can cover your out-
of-pocket medical expenses. MetLife policies offer you cash payouts to help cover what our other
insurance doesn’t. All of MetLife’s Supplemental policies are portable, which means that you may keep
them should you leave the company, with no increase in premiums.
MetLife | Group Accident MetLife | Critical Illness
Group Accident insurance can help you cover the Critical Illness insurance can help you offset
unexpected costs associated with an accident. the costs of certain covered critical illnesses
If you’re in a covered accident, you’ll receive a such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure,
flat dollar payment – regardless of your medical coronary artery bypass graft, and cancer. If you
expenses. Covered benefits include specified are diagnosed with a covered condition, you’ll
injuries, medical treatments, hospital admissions/ receive a lump-sum benefit that you can use to
confinements, accidental death, dismemberment, pay for anything you wish - deductibles, copays,
and loss/paralysis. Coverage is also available for transportation, or even personal expenses. A
your spouse/registered domestic partner, and reoccurrence benefit is available if an initial
your children. benefit has been paid for the covered condition.
MetLife will also pay you $50 every year for
taking one of their eligible screening/preventive
MetLife | Hospital Indemnity measures.
The Hospital Indemnity plan pays a benefit if
you are admitted to the ICU, and an additional Critical Illness is available to you, your spouse/
benefit if you are confined to a hospital – whether domestic partner, and your children. You may
for planned or unplanned reasons. You can use purchase coverage for yourself in the amount of
your benefit payment as you wish. Use it to help $15,000 or $30,000, and you will not be asked
cover your out-of-pocket medical expenses, or to submit a medical questionnaire or take a
for whatever purpose you choose. This benefit is medical exam. If you elect this coverage for your
available for you, your spouse/domestic partner, dependents, they will be covered at 50% of your
and your children. benefit.
For More Information
Call (800) GET-MET8 (800-438-6388).