Page 3 - Hitachi Benefits Booklet Final
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With the Sterling Online Enrollment System, you and your family can access your benefits
information whenever you want, from home or any place where you have internet access. Use
Sterling Online System to view plan details, coverage amounts and costs.
To Enroll or Make Changes to Your Benefits
For optimal performance, it is recommended that you use Chrome or Firefox as your internet
• Log in to
• Company Code: 2499
• User Name: first initial followed by your last name and the last 4 digits of your social security
number (no hyphens or spaces, e.g., jsmith1234)
• Password: last 4 digits of your social security number. You may reset your password once
you login
Once you are logged into the website, follow the prompts on each page to complete your benefit
enrollment. You will be asked to verify that your personal information is correct and enter in any
of your dependent information.
Be sure to save Sterling Online System as a favorite in your web browser!
Electronic Disclosure and Online Benefits Information
You’ll find documents posted on your benefit portal such as the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC), annual notic-
es, carrier benefit summaries, evidence of coverage booklets, claim forms, and much more. These documents include
detailed information about the Hitachi Solutions benefit plans and can help you plan for upcoming services. From work
or home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you and your eligible dependents may access the website.
The Sterling Online System website contains important information regarding your benefits. It is our policy to dissemi-
nate all plan information electronically. If you are unable to access the site or you prefer a hardcopy of the documents,
please contact the Human Resources Department.
Carrier Websites
Sterling is your website for benefit enrollment and changes throughout the year. Each carrier has their own online
member portal that is customized with your personal details, claims information, ID cards, provider networks and more!
Take advantage of the online features available to you.
Your Payroll Site - ADP
Payroll is managed through a separate system, ADP.
Please be sure to register as a first time user.
Unique registration code will be emailed to you. If you have any
questions, please contact the Payroll Department.