Page 14 - Optima Tax EE Guide 01-19
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Workplace Wellness

         United Healthcare | Rally and Real Appeal
         Rally is a program to help you move more and eat better.  It even rewards you for your progress.
         Real Appeal is a program designed to help with simple steps and support along the way for lasting weight loss.

                                                                                                 To Learn More

         Blue Shield | Wellvolution
         Wellvolution is a well-being solution for real people like you. Using online and mobile technologies, Wellvolution
         makes wellness rewarding, easy, social and fun. It’s designed to help you create positive lifestyle choices that stick.

            How it works: Once you receive your Blue Shield member ID card, you can register for Wellvolution at
   from a computer, tablet or smartphone.

                       Well-Being Assessment                                         QuitNet
         This assessment measures your overall wellbeing while   QuitNet is based on the latest science and best practices
         providing insights into your physical, emotional, and   to help you if you are addicted to tobacco. QuitNet
         social health. Your well-being score compares your    combines many intervention methods, including online
         well-being data against national, state and regional   and mobile support from experts and peers, phone-
         scores.                                               based coaching from a tobacco treatment specialist,
                                                               personalized email and text support, and
                                                               pharmaceutical quit aids.

         Blue Shield / Tivity | Fitness Your Way
         Get healthy and feel good on your own terms with Fitness Your Way. This program offers you the flexibility to work
         out at any network fitness location on a budget that you can live with. Fitness Your Way is available to Blue Shield
         members through Tivity Health. It’s a flexible, affordable, and accessible way to adopt a healthy lifestyle and
         remain committed to it. You and your dependents who are age 18 and older are eligible.

                 Meet Your Goals                       On Your Time                       On Your Budget
         View your gym visits online to keep   With more than 800 fitness         You’ll pay a $25 one-time initiation
         on track and stay motivated.        locations in California and over    fee and $25 per month, per family
                                             10,000 nationally, you can go to the   member (taxes may apply).
                                             gym whenever it’s convenient for
                                             you. Log into the Tivity website to
                                             look for locations in your area.

           To Learn More
           Visit or
  to find more

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