Page 14 - QSC Benefits Guide 7-18 CALIFORNIA PRINT
P. 14


          Option 1 - DMO

          As a Cigna DMO member, you are required to select a general dentist to provide your dental care. You will contact your
          general dentist for all of your dental needs, such as routine check-ups and emergency situations. If specialty care is needed,
          your general dentist will provide the necessary referral.

          Option 2 - Base PPO
          The Cigna Base PPO plan is a Preferred Provider dental plan. The benefits cover a wide range of dental services. You may
          visit a PPO dentist who is a member of the “Cigna DPPO Advantage” network and benefit from the negotiated rate or visit a
          non-network dentist. When you utilize a PPO dentist, your out-of-pocket expenses will be less. You may also obtain services
          using a non-network dentist; however, you will be responsible for the difference between the covered amount and the actual
          charges and you may be responsible for filing claims. When using the PPO plan, all deductibles, plan maximums, and service
          specific maximums (dollar and occurrence) cross accumulate between the network and non-network tiers of the plan.

          Option 3 - Premier PPO
          The Cigna Premier PPO plan works just like the Cigna Base PPO plan, but the Premier plan has the additional Cigna DPPO
          total network of providers. When you visit a “Cigna DPPO Advantage” or a “Cigna DPPO” dentist you will benefit from the
          negotiated rate.

                                     Cigna                     Cigna                              Cigna
           Plan Features         Option 1 DMO           Option 2 Base PPO                Option 3 Premier PPO
           Plan / Network         Cigna Dental      Cigna DPPO      Non-Network        Cigna DPPO     Cigna DPPO /
           Name                    Care HMO          Advantage                          Advantage      Non-Network
           DENTAL BENEFITS          You Pay           You Pay          You Pay           You Pay          You Pay
           Calendar Year              None           $2,000 (Plan   $500 (Plan Pays     $2,000 (Plan    $2,000 (Plan
           Benefit Maximum                         Pays Per Member   Per Member       Pays Per Member  Pays Per Member
                                                      Covered)         Covered)          Covered)         Covered)
           Annual Deductible                        Deductible Waived for Preventive   Deductible Waived for Preventive
            Individual                None               $25             $100               $25             $50
            Family                    None               $75            $300                $75             $150
           Preventive Services    Copays Apply       No Charge          75%*            No Charge        No Charge

           Basic Services         Copays Apply       No Charge          75%*            No Charge           20%
           Oral Surgery           Copays Apply       No Charge          75%*            No Charge           20%
           Major Services         Copays Apply          40%             75%*               40%              50%
           Orthodontia              24-Month
                                 Treatment Fee**      50% up to
             Adult                   $1,800        $1,500 Lifetime   Not Covered          50% up to $2,000 Lifetime
             Child                   $1,608           Maximum        Not Covered                 Maximum
           *Based on maximum allowable charge
           **Charge per month for 24 months:  Child $67 / Adult $75, other copays may apply

                        FINDING A DENTAL PROVIDER:
                        Go to or call (800) 244-6224 to find a provider near you. DMO participants should
                        refer to the  “Cigna  Dental  Care HMO”  plan  and PPO participants should  refer  to the  “Cigna  Dental
                        PPO or EPO“ plan and then the “Cigna  DPPO Advantage” network for the Base PPO plan and the
                        “Cigna DPPO Advantage” or “Cigna DPPO” network for the Premier PPO plan when  prompted.

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