Page 6 - United Capital EE Guide 04-18 PFE
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MEDICAL INSURANCE                                                                                                         MEDICAL INSURANCE

          CIGNA | PPO MEDICAL PLAN                                                                                                                                                 CIGNA                                CIGNA
          The Cigna Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan allows you to direct your own care. If you receive care from a physician who                                         PPO                                  HSA
          is a member of the network, a greater percentage of the entire cost will be paid by the insurance plan, however, you are not limited   Network Name            Network         Non-Network           Network         Non-Network
          to the physicians within the network and you may self-refer to specialists. If you obtain services using a non-network provider,   HEALTH BENEFITS
          please note that you will be responsible for the difference between the covered amount and the actual charges, and you may be
          responsible for filing claims.                                                                                             Lifetime Maximum                             Unlimited                            Unlimited
                                                                                                                                     Annual Deductible
                                                                                                                                     •   Individual                        $500             $1,000             $4,000            $8,000
          CIGNA | HSA MEDICAL PLAN                                                                                                   •   Family                           $1,000            $2,000             $8,000            $16,000

          With the HSA plan through Cigna, you can pay for qualified healthcare expenses now and grow your savings for future healthcare   Coinsurance (Plan Pays)         80%               50%                80%               60%
          needs. This plan combines a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with a special, tax-qualified savings account (HSA). You can   Physician Office Visit
          contribute tax-free money to your HSA up to IRS maximums. All expenses are subject to the deductible except preventive services.   •   PCP                    $25 Copay       Deductible, 50%     Deductible, 20%   Deductible, 40%
          The money in your account is yours to pay for current healthcare expenses - or you can save toward future healthcare expenses.   •   Specialist               $50 Copay       Deductible, 50%     Deductible, 20%   Deductible, 40%
          Similar to the PPO plan, you have the freedom to choose your doctor without the requirement of selecting a PCP and you may   •   Telehealth                   $25 Copay            N/A            Deductible, 20%       N/A
          self-refer to specialists. You may use a network provider whose negotiated rates provide richer levels of benefits with claim forms   Out-of-Pocket Maximum
          filed by the providers. You may also obtain services using a non-network provider; however, you will be responsible for the difference   •   Individual         $3,000            $6,000             $5,500            $11,000
          between the covered amount and the actual charges and you may be responsible for filing claims. Additional information on how   •   Family (Ind Protection*)    $6,000           $12,000             $11,000           $22,000
          the HSA plan works is located on page 8 of this guide.
                                                                                                                                     •   Inpatient                    Deductible, 20%   Deductible, 50%     Deductible, 20%   Deductible, 40%
                                                                                                                                     •   Outpatient Surgery           Deductible, 20%   Deductible, 50%     Deductible, 20%   Deductible, 40%
                                                                                                                                     Emergency Services                          $100 Copay                          Deductible, 20%
                        FINDING A MEDICAL PROVIDER:                                                                                  Urgent Care                        $50 Copay       Deductible, 50%     Deductible, 20%   Deductible, 40%

                        Go to or call (800) 244-6224. Refer to the “PPO, Choice Fund PPO” plan when prompted.          Preventive Care                    No Charge       Deductible, 50%       No Charge       Deductible, 40%
                                                                                                                                     Chiropractic                       $25 Copay       Deductible, 50%     Deductible, 20%   Deductible, 40%
                                                                                                                                                                                 30 Visits/Year                       30 Visits/Year
                                                                                                                                     PHARMACY BENEFITS
          BENEFITS HOTLINE                                                                                                           Annual Deductible                             None                         Medical Deductible Applies*
          Cigna provides health advocacy services to help you and your eligible family members resolve many of the complex health care,   Retail Pharmacy
          health insurance, or medical bill challenges you may face. This service is offered at no charge to you.                    •   Generic                        $10 Copay         Not Covered         $15 Copay        Not Covered
                                                                                                                                     •   Preferred Brand                $30 Copay         Not Covered         $20 Copay        Not Covered
          Simply call (866) 799-2725 to be assigned a Personal Health Advocate who may help you with:                                •   Non-Preferred Brand            $60 Copay         Not Covered         $35 Copay        Not Covered
             z  Finding a doctor, hospital, second opinion, or diagnostic service                                                    •   Supply Limit                     30 Days            N/A               30 Days            N/A
             z  Resolving health coverage issues, medical claims, denials and appeals                                                Mail Order Pharmacy
             z  Estimating procedure costs and negotiating fees                                                                      •   Generic                        $20 Copay         Not Covered         $37 Copay        Not Covered
             z  Locating home care, special services, senior care, or hospice                                                        •   Preferred Brand                $60 Copay         Not Covered         $60 Copay        Not Covered
             z  Identifying wellness services and alternative medicine                                                               •   Non-Preferred Brand            $120 Copay        Not Covered        $105 Copay        Not Covered
                                                                                                                                     •   Supply Limit                     90 Days            N/A               90 Days            N/A
                                                                                                                                     •   Retail                         $100 Copay        Not Covered        $100 Copay        Not Covered
                                                                                                                                     •   Mail Order                     $100 Copay        Not Covered        $100 Copay        Not Covered
                                                                                                                                     •   Supply Limit                     30 Days            N/A               30 Days            N/A
                                                                                                                                     *Some preventive drugs are not subject to the medical deductible. See UltiPro for the full list.

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