Page 9 - United Capital EE Guide 04-18 PFE
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 The opportunity to establish and contribute to a Health Savings Account is available when you elect   Cigna’s Healthy Rewards provides discounts of up to 60% on   Identity Theft occurs when someone uses your personal
 the HSA medical plan option. It’s like a personal, tax-free savings account for health care expenses   various wellness programs and services, ranging from weight   identifying information, like your name, Social Security number,
 that earns interest. Any unused money rolls over from year to year.  management and nutrition, to vision and hearing care, and   or credit card number, without your permission, to commit
          tobacco cessation. You and your family members can enjoy instant   fraud or other crimes. Cigna’s Identity Theft Program provides
 In 2018, The PFE Group will make the following annual   savings when you visit a participating provider or shop online.  you with access to personal case managers who give step-by-
 HSA contributions into your account (with portions   EXAMPLES OF  step assistance and guidance to you if you’ve had your identity
 funded each pay period):  ELIGIBLE HSA EXPENSES                stolen. This program provides valuable prevention, detection and
   z  Employee: $1,500  CIGNA | HEALTHY BABIES                  resolution services, including 24/7 real-time support no matter
   z  Family: $3,000  To support you through your pregnancy, Cigna offers the Healthy   where you are in the world.
 •   Providers (Doctors, Specialists, Nurses)  Babies program. You’ll get information to help you learn about
 •   Prescription Drugs
 In addition to The PFE Group’s contribution, you   •   Inpatient Hospital Services  pregnancy and babies, 24/7 telephone access to a health advocate,
 may elect to make additional contributions into   •   Laboratory & X-Ray  and support from a registered nurse case manager if you or your  CIGNA | CIGNASURRANCE
 your account.  Total contributions including The PFE   MEDICAL  •   Emergency Services  baby have special health care needs.   This program provides free and confidential financial, bereavement,
 Group’s can not exceed IRS maximums:  •   Acupuncture / Chiropractic  and legal support for your loved ones in the event of your death
   z  Employee: $3,450   CIGNA | WILL PREPARATION               while you are still actively employed with the company. Your
   z  Family: $6,850  Cigna’s Will Preparation Program helps you and your family to   beneficiary(s) will get two free face-to-face counseling sessions
   z  Catch-up if you are 55 years of age or older:   •   Providers (Dentists, Specialists,   plan and protect your financial future by using a simple, online   with a local Cigna Behavioral Health network therapist and
 $1,000                                                         telephonic counseling, legal and financial services as needed.
 Orthodontists)  tool. The tool allows you to build state-specific customized wills   This program also includes access to a Cignassurance account
 •   Teeth Cleaning  and other legal documents such as last wills, living wills and
 The portion of your paycheck that you contribute   DENTAL  •   Dental Treatment  power of attorneys. Cigna’s Will Center is secure, easy-to-use and   – a free, interest-bearing account to keep your proceeds over
 to your HSA will be taken out before you pay federal   •   Orthodontia  available to you and your covered spouse seven days a week,   $5,000 in a safe place while you deal with more pressing issues.
 income taxes, Social Security taxes and most state   365 days a year. .
 taxes (excluding state taxes in AL, CA and NJ).                CIGNA | MY SECURE ADVANTAGE
 Any contributions you make can be increased or                 My Secure Advantage (MSA) is a financial wellness program that
 decreased over the course of the year.   •   Providers (Optometrists,   CIGNA | SECURE TRAVEL
 Ophthalmologists)                                              offers solutions to all types of personal financial challenges that
 •   Exams  Cigna Secure Travel provides special assistance for emergency   may occur due to a covered disability. Once your disability claim
 You can decide how to manage your money. The   •   Glasses  medical, financial, legal and communication assistance when you   is approved, you and members of your household can work
 money in your HSA is yours to save and spend on   VISION  •   Contact Lenses  travel. This program will provide you as a covered individual, access   with a Money Coach for 90 days at no additional cost to you.
 eligible health care expenses whenever you need it,   •   Lasik Surgery  to a travel assistance customer service center from anywhere in   Plus, you’ll have access to the MSA website and your own web
 whether in this plan year or in future plan years. You   the world when traveling at least 100 miles from home. Cigna   portal where you can communicate with your coach, upload
 can use the funds in your account to pay tax-free   Secure Travel customer service is available 24 hours a day, 365   and share documents, view financial forums and webinars, and
 for qualifying out-of-pocket Medical, Dental and   days a year wherever you are in the world. In an emergency, you   access financial information.
 Vision expenses such as deductibles, coinsurance   can even call collect.
 and copays.   •   COBRA
 •   Long-Term Care
 PREMIUMS  •   Medicare
 Your account balance earns interest and the unused
 balance rolls-over from year to year. The money is   ACCESSING CIGNA’S VALUE-ADDED PROGRAMS:
 yours to keep even if you leave The PFE Group, no   •   Healthy Rewards: Go to (password: savings) or call (800) 258-3312.
 longer participate in a high deductible health plan (like   •   Healthy Babies: Call the number on your Cigna ID card.
 the HSA plan), or retire. You may continue to make   EXAMPLES OF  •   Will Preparation: Go to
 contributions to your HSA if you enroll in another   INELIGIBLE HSA EXPENSES  •   Cigna Secure Travel: Call (888) 226-4567 inside the US or (202) 331-7635 outside of the US (call collect).
 qualified high deductible health plan, or elect COBRA   •   Identity Theft: Call (888) 226-4567 inside the US or (202) 331-7635 outside of the US.
 continuation coverage of your HSA coverage if your   Ineligible HSA expenses include expenses that are not medical or   •   Cignassurance: Call (800) 570-3778.
 employment terminates.  health related as well as cosmetic surgery.
                        •   My Secure Advantage: Go to or call (888) 724-2326.

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