Page 12 - United Capital EE Guide 04-18 PFE
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DENTAL INSURANCE                                                                                                          DENTAL INSURANCE

          CIGNA | DHMO DENTAL PLAN                                                                                                   TIPS FOR USING YOUR MEDICAL BENEFITS
          With the Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) plan through Cigna, you are required to select a general dentist who   UNDERSTAND YOUR PLAN.
          is a member of the network to provide your dental care. You will contact your general dentist for all of your dental needs, such as   Understanding your dental plan’s benefits, including how copays, deductibles, and calendar year maximum benefits work, is key
          routine check-ups and emergency situations. If specialty care is needed, your general dentist will provide the necessary referral. For   to getting the most value from your plan and avoiding surprises.
          covered procedures, you'll pay the pre-set copay or coinsurance fee described in your DHMO plan booklet. Please keep a copy of
          your booklet to refer to when utilizing your dental care. This will show the applicable copays that apply to all of the dental services
          that are covered under this plan.                                                                                          TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PREVENTIVE SERVICES OFFERED BY THE PLAN.
                                                                                                                                     The least expensive way to maintain good oral health is to go to your dentist at least twice per year for an exam and cleaning.
                                                                                                                                     Regular dentist visits can help prevent serious health problems such as oral diseases and cancers, and going to the dentist is more
          CIGNA | PPO DENTAL PLANS                                                                                                   affordable in the long run for those who are insured and take advantage of every service.
          With the Cigna Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) dental plans, you may visit a PPO dentist and benefit from the negotiated
          rate or visit a non-network dentist. When you utilize a PPO dentist, your out-of-pocket expenses will be less. You may also obtain   Our dental plans cover most preventive services at no charge to you. As an added bonus, on the PPO plans, the annual deductible
          services using a non-network dentist; however, you will be responsible for the difference between the covered amount and the   is waived for preventive services when using a network provider.
          actual charges and you may be responsible for filing claims.
                                                                                                                                     ASK FOR A PREDETERMINATION OF BENEFITS.
                                             CIGNA                   CIGNA                        CIGNA                              We strongly recommend you ask your dentist for a predetermination if total charges are expected to exceed $300. Predetermination
                                             DHMO                   LOW PPO                     HIGH PPO                             enables you and your dentist to know in advance what the payment will be for any service that may be in question.
           Network Name                      Network          Network    Non-Network      Network     Non-Network
           DENTAL BENEFITS                                                                                                           SCHEDULE YOUR PROCEDURES TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR DENTAL COVERAGE.
           Office Visit Copay               $5 Copay           N/A           N/A            N/A           N/A                        As part of dental planning, you should consult with your dentist and, if possible, delay non-urgent procedures that would push
           Calendar Year Maximum Benefit    Unlimited         $1,000        $1,000         $1,500        $1,200                      your out-of-pocket costs over your plan’s calendar year maximum benefit. If possible, plan your procedures in such a way that
                                                                                                                                     your annual maximum renews itself in between stages.
           Annual Deductible
           •   Individual                      $0              $50           $75            $50           $75
           •   Family                          $0              $150          $225           $150         $225                        DISCUSS ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURES WHEN NECESSARY.
                                                                                                                                     By letting your dentist know that cost is an issue, he or she may be able to suggest alternative treatments that are less expensive
           Preventive Services (Plan Pays)   100% for          100%          80%            100%         100%
           •   Deductible Waived           Most Services        Yes          No             Yes           No                         but just as effective.
           Basic Services (Plan Pays)      See Schedule        80%           60%            90%           75%
           Major Services (Plan Pays)      See Schedule        50%           40%            60%           50%                       EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
           Covered Family Members          Child | Adult     Child Only    Child Only     Child Only   Child Only
           Copay                          $1,460 | $2,160      N/A           N/A            N/A           N/A                        CIGNA | LIFE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
           Coinsurance                        N/A              50%           50%            50%           50%                        The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides you and your household members with free, confidential assistance to help with
           Lifetime Benefit Maximum           N/A             $1,000        $1,000         $1,250        $1,250                      personal or professional problems that may interfere with work or family responsibilities and obligations. Services are available 24
                                                                                                                                     hours a day, 7 days a week via a toll-free nationwide number. You and your household members can receive up to 3 counseling
                                                                                                                                     sessions per person, per problem, per year.

                        FINDING A DENTAL PROVIDER:
                        Go to or call (800) 244-6224. DHMO participants should refer to the “Cigna Dental Care
                        HMO” network and PPO participants should refer to the “Cigna Dental PPO or EPO” network when prompted.                     ACESSING THE EAP:
                                                                                                                                                   Go to or call (800) 538-3543 to be connected with an EAP counselor.

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