Page 13 - Ria Benefits Guide 2020 FINAL Mid-Atlantic
P. 13


         Guardian Dental Plan Choices

         With your PPO Low or PPO High plan, you can visit any dentist; but you pay less out-of-pocket when you choose an In-
         Network PPO dentist. Out-of-network benefits are limited to our PPO fee schedule. The Dental Low and High PPO plans
         are offered to employees in all locations. The Dental Preferred Organization (DPO) gives you access to a network of
         dentists that have agreed to a discount payment schedule. You are not required to designate a Primary Care Dentist, and
         you have the choice to select any participating Guardian PPO dentist. You may choose to obtain services from a non-
         network provider; however, your out-of-pocket costs will be higher and your annual maximum benefit will
         be lower.

         (Save dental funds for use in the future)
         If you are enrolled in either the Low PPO or High PPO plans, Guardian will roll over a portion of your unused annual
         maximum into your personal Maximum Rollover Account (MRA). Any rollover amount will be credited based on activity
         through December 31st.

         To qualify you must:
         1.  Have a paid claim (not just a visit)
         2.  Not to exceed the $500 paid claim threshold during the benefit year.

         •   If you qualify and use in-network dentists you are eligible to receive a rollover of $350 or $250 if you receive services
            from a non-network dentist.
         •   Your MRA may not exceed the $1,000 MRA limit.
         •   Employees can determine status of MRA account by using the link on MRA status is also
            noted on each explanation of benefits (EOB).

         We  strongly  recommend  you  ask  your
         dentist  for  a  predetermination  if  total   FINDING A DENTAL PROVIDER:
         charges  are  expected  to  exceed  $300.
         Predetermination  enables  you  and  your
         dentist  to  know  in  advance  what  the     Contact Guardian member services at 1-800-551-7846 for Dental PPO
         payment  will  be  for  any  service  that
                                                       Go to and click on “Find a Provider,” select dental
         may be in question.                           and enter a zip code

                                                       •   For the Low or High PPO, select Dental PPO

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