Page 7 - Hitachi Benefit Guide 1.31.2019
P. 7

Medical Plans

     Summary of Benefits and Coverage              Health Savings Account -  It’s as easy as 1-2-3!
     (SBC)                                         The opportunity to establish and contribute to a Health Savings Account
     Health insurance issuers and group health plans are   is available only when you elect the HSA Medical Plan option. It’s like a
     required to provide you with an easy-to-understand   personal, tax-free savings account for health care expenses that earns
     summary about your health plan’s benefits and   interest. Any unused money rolls over from year to year.
     coverage, referred to as a Summary of Benefits and
     Coverage (SBC). This guide is designed to help you   Here’s an overview of how it works:
     understand the medical plan options offered to you   •  You enroll in the HSA plan for Medical coverage and establish your
     by Hitachi Solutions. Please refer to the SBC and
                                                      HSA with Avidia online. You will receive a Welcome Packet via email
     carrier contracts for additional plan details.
                                                      with detailed instructions on how to administer your HSA.

     Finding a Provider                             •  You may elect to make contributions into your account up to IRS
        Aetna: go to or call (877) 204-  maximums. In 2019, you may defer up to $3,500 for Team Member
                                                      coverage and up to $7,000 for family coverage. If you are age 55 or
        9188 for PPO/HSA or (866) 529-2517 for HMO.
                                                      older, you are also permitted an additional catch-up contribution of
        PPO/HSA participants should refer to the
        Managed Choice  POS (Open Access) network     $1,000.
        and HMO participants should refer to the HMO   •  You decide how to manage your money. The money in your HSA is
        network when prompted. For RX, refer to the   yours to save and spend on eligible health care expenses whenever
        Aetna National Pharmacy Network.              you need it, whether in 2019 or during a later year. You can use the
        Kaiser: go to or call (800) 464-4000.    funds in your account for qualifying out-of-pocket Medical, Dental and
                                                      Vision expenses such as deductibles, coinsurance and copays. Your
     Member Access & Mobile App                       account balance earns interest and the unused balance rolls-over
                                                      from year to year. The money is yours to keep even if you leave
     As a registered member, you can view claims, print   Hitachi Solutions, no longer participate in a high deductible health
     a temporary ID card, look up a network provider,   plan (like the HSA Medical plan) or retire. You may continue to make
     estimate costs and more! To download mobile app   contributions to your HSA if you enroll in another qualified high
     for Aetna text: 44040 or search Aetna mobile or   deductible health plan or elect COBRA continuation coverage if your
     Kaiser KP app.                                   employment terminates.

                                                    •  Price out drugs. Because you have to meet your plan deductible
     Virtual Doctor?                                  before health care and prescription drug benefits kick in, be aware of
     Aetna Members Contact Teladoc                    the costs of your drugs. Provider costs vary greatly and you can
                                                      achieve significant savings with a little research at
     When a doctor’s office hour does not work for you,
                                                      This site will help you search for the lowest prices in your area.
     don’t forget about Teladoc. The Teladoc service
     allows you to video conference or call with a board   Keep in mind, you can change your HSA contribution amount at any time
     certified doctor. It’s all about convenience and it’s   during the year in Sterling Online System.

     specifically designed to treat common illnesses such   Because you are responsible for paying the full plan deductible before
     as cold and flu symptom, allergies, sinus infections,   Aetna pays any benefits, including prescription drugs, it is helpful to set
     etc.                                          aside pre-tax dollars to help pay for future unexpected expenses.

     •   HMO: $20 Copay
     •   High Deductible HSA: $40 Copay            Important Tips:
     •   Silver PPO: $25 Copay                     •   You will be notified via a welcome email once your enrollment has been
     •   Gold PPO: $20 Copay                           processed and your bank account is opened.
     •   Platinum PPO: $15 Copay                   •   Included in your welcome email will be instructions on how to create an
                                                       account online at
     Contact 800-teladoc or download the app at    •   A secondary ID check may be required. If you do not submit required                           documentation within 2 weeks, your bank account will be closed.
                                                   •   This is an individual bank account and adheres to IRS rules. It is your
     Kaiser Members                                •   responsibility to follow IRS rules.
                                                       You cannot enroll in the Health FSA if you are contributing to the HSA.
     Telephone Appointments, After Hours Care, 24/7   •   You may transfer funds from another bank to Igoe by clicking on the link
     Advice Nurse: (800) 290-5000                      below (you will need your new Igoe HSA number before requesting the
     Video Appointment:        transfer):
     Email Your Doc:                        formid=A6R4LFH3JXW2QL
                                                   •   There may be a nominal banking fee paid directly by participants.
                                                   •   You have to satisfy the full plan deductible before Aetna pays any benefits.
                                                   •   The HSA is not available if you are enrolled in Medicare.
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