Page 4 - I-Plants Magazine May 2021 Issue #5 v2
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Ian Drummond Carolyn J.C. Goodin
Ian Drummond, is creative di- Author of Smartee Plants:
rector at Indoor Garden Design A Professional’s Guide to Indoor
and In-Tray Plants. He has been Plant Care. Earned a Master’s
an interior landscape designer Degree in Horticulture, with
for over 30 years and a house emphasis on Acclimatization and
plant obsessive for most of his Adaptation of plants destined for
life. He is a multi-medal RHS indoor use, her degree was
Chelsea Flower Show winner granted from the University of
and is the co-author of AT Hawaii School of Tropical
HOME WITH Plants. Agriculture in 1979. Also a Certified
Landscape Professional, CLP,
attained this certification in 1987.
Till 2010, she owned
VSPS: A Very Specialized Plant
Service which was the first plant
rental company to specialize in
indoor landscaping in Hawaii.
4 Making The New Normal Better!