Page 8 - I-Plants Magazine May 2021 Issue #5 v2
P. 8
Creating Today’s Right
As life opens up for us all, there remains uncertainty around how long social distancing will continue, and so for
the foreseeable future at work or leisure, there is a requirement for safe spaces where we can enjoy our lives.
By:Ian Drummond
Creative director at Indoor Garden Design and In-Tray Plants
B ut how do we create an environ- even creating quiet areas of calm in which to cul-
ment that feels stylish and natu-
tivate big ideas. And because living walls can be
ral, while still being safe?
freestanding, they offer much flexibility, because
Living walls - a two-dimensional, the structure doesn’t have to be permanently in
one place. It can be moved and adapted, quite
vertical assembly of plants - provide a thrilling solu- literally, to move with the times.
tion to so many design issues, particularly those
that arise around social distancing. If a design is strictly temporary for a special
event, then they really come into their own be-
Appearing to be constructed entirely from plants, cause rather than selecting plants for their resil-
these walls create a sense of wellbeing because ience, they can be chosen for their flamboyance,
we, as human beings, feel better when we are close to colourful, spectacular effect. Some of our
to nature. Being around greenery and natural most ambitious designs have been created for
things makes us feel relaxed, and it’s good for parties and events and their success is carried,
our health in other ways. Plants clean the air and rather than constricted, by their two-dimensional
research has repeatedly shown them to inspire structure. Sometimes scale is everything and a
creativity and positivity too. We have all been sur- huge living wall is like a suspended wave – they
rounded by so much that is unnatural and clinical, are an out and out showstopper, yet very little flo-
whereas plants and flowers are familiar and known. orspace has been sacrificed. As a lavish ‘step and
There is also a wildness to them, a freedom, a repeat’ they can’t be bettered, because words,
natural, ungoverned force that we respond to. They logos and images can all be incorporated into a
create an emotional connection to happier times design and the result is not only visually arresting,
and this silent and powerful form of reassurance but clever and interesting.
touches us at a fundamental level - right now, we
need this. At the other end of the maintenance scale, but
with its own unique charm, is the wall of pre-
Mobility in living walls is another unique served moss. For permanent structures,
benefit. Whether they are used to situated in places with negligible
divide seating or desk areas, dis- sources of light, they offer a stun-
guise something ugly, guide foot ning alternative to living plants,
traffic, or simply as a structure while still creating a similar
of beauty, these walls create connection to the natural world
the most positive kind of and its associated good vibes.
moveable barrier. Let’s not It doesn’t stop at preserved
overlook the sound insulation moss either, there are also
benefits either – all those everlasting ferns and other
leaves nestling in invisible natural elements that combine
pockets of earth dampen noise. to create a nuanced, textural
In restaurants and open-plan beauty that is exquisite. They
offices, this quality can be used to offer so much and yet, aside from
great advantage, controlling noise or physical wear and tear caused by external
damage, the maintenance they require is nil.
8 Making The New Normal Better!