Page 22 - I-Plants Magaine April 2021 Issue #4 v 4
P. 22


                Good for Health, Good for Business

                Beyond the office, patients with   The most efficient and cost-effec-  Sources
                views to nature recover faster (3).   tive option is to hire the services   (1) Mercer, Global Talent Trends 2018
                While consumers indicated that   of Interior Plantscapers who will
                they would expect to pay up to   design a bespoke solution for your   (2) Green Plants for Green Buildings,
                25% more than average for general   space, source and install high   Global Impact of Biophilic Design in
                goods in a greener retail setting (5)   quality plants, and provide ongoing   the Workplace, 2015
                and 23% more for a hotel room with   maintenance. So, you can set and   (3) Terrapin Bright Green, Economics
                a view to Biophilic elements (3).  forget your money-saving Biophilic   of Biophilia, 2012
                Perhaps you’re already convinced   office design.             (4) Australian Industry Group, Absen-
                plants will indeed improve your   The road to be a healthier, greener   teeism and Presenteeism Survey,
                business’ bottom line, but to what   workplace has moved from luxury   2015
                end? What kind of money and time   to essential in a COVID world; but
                is required to add Biophilic design   most importantly, it makes financial   (5) Elsevier Science Ltd, Urban For-
                elements into your office?     sense.                         estry & Urban Greening “The effects
                                                                              of urban retail greenery on consumer
                                                                              experience,” 2010
                Indoor Plant Hire              Written By:                    (6) Journal of Real Estate Finance
                If you’re familiar with the hor-  Member of Interior Plantscape As-  and Economics, “Pricing Residential
                ticulture industry, you won’t be   sociation Australia, Advance Plants   Amenities: The Value of a View,” 1998
                surprised to know that good quality   – Brisbane and Gold Coast Qld
                plants and pots can cost thousands    AUSTRALIA
                of dollars outright. Then you need
                to actually keep them alive and
                looking beautiful in order to enjoy

           22                                                                         Making The New Normal Better!
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