Page 19 - I-Plants Magaine April 2021 Issue #4 v 4
P. 19


                                 Take pride

                                     Take pride in your work,
                                     your  appearance and
                                 yourself.  Remember that
                                 people will treat you the way
                                 you expect to be treated.  If
                                 you want to be respected, you
                                 must first respect yourself.

                                             all times.  Make sure your vehicle,
                                             whether it is a company van or your
                                             own car, gets cleaned inside and
                                             out at least once a week.  Keep
                                             your watering machine, pruners,
                                             scissors, sprayers, duffel bag and
                                             everything else clean and neat.

                                             Be organized-know where every-
                                             thing is.  There is nothing worse
                                             than having to watch someone dig
           Do say “please, thank you and pardon   through a purse, backpack or duffel
           me” all the time.  Call everyone “ma’am”   bag for 10 minutes to find a pen or
           and “sir.”   It’s the polite, professional   piece of paper.
           thing to do.
                                             Take pride in your work, your  ap-
           Your vehicle and equipment        pearance and yourself.  Remember
           You may be surprised at how many of   that people will treat you the way
           your clients watch to see when you ar-  you expect to be treated.  If you
           rive.  Keep your equipment and vehicle   want to be respected, you must
           in top working order, clean and neat at   first respect yourself.

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