Page 16 - I-Plants Magaine April 2021 Issue #4 v 4
P. 16


               Presenting a professional image

          FOR TECHS

                            For years some technicians have had a hard time being
                                      respected and treated as professionals.

                                            By Kathy Fediw, LEED AP ID+C, Happily retired!

                             I       n fact, it’s the topic of the   Look like a pro
                                     very first trade journal
                                                              If you want to be treated as the professional
                                     article I wrote nearly 30
                                                              you are, you need to look the part.  You may
                                     years ago.  I started my
                                     career as a tech and was   not have much to say about the style or
                                                              color of your uniform, but you have a choice
                                     mistaken for the janitor   as to how you will wear it.
                        more than once (nothing wrong with being
                        a janitor, just not my job.)  Some of us have   Make sure your clothes are clean and
                        learned the hard way that if you want to be   pressed.  Tuck in your shirt and wear a belt
                        perceived as a professional, you have to   so you don’t look like a slob.  Have clean,
                        look and act the part.                decent, comfortable shoes.  Keep jewelry to
                                                              a minimum.
                        It doesn’t take a lot of money or effort but
                        it does take attention to the details.  You   Gentlemen should shave or keep their beard
                        may need to put aside your own sense of   or mustache trimmed.  Keep your hair
                        fashion, style and comfort in order to be   trimmed and clean.  Ladies should wear a
                        viewed as a professional.  You can            touch of makeup, keep their nails
                        wear what you want, and talk                     trimmed, and hair clean and
                        and walk however you want,                         trimmed.  If you color your
                        when you’re off duty.  But                          hair, keep up with the
                        if you want to be treated                            color so you don’t have
                        as a professional then                                3 inches of dark roots
                        you have to follow the                                showing. Start the day
                        unspoken rules of                                     fresh and clean even if
                        business etiquette and                                you don’t wind up fresh
                        dress.                                               as a daisy by the end of
                                                                            the day.  Wear a watch and
                                                                          be on time.  Slacks or shorts

           16                                                                         Making The New Normal Better!
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