Page 11 - I-Plants Magaine April 2021 Issue #4 v 4
P. 11

Biophilic Design

                                     -2021 Judges-

           Sonja Bochart                     Richard V. Piacentini               Janice Goodman
            IIDA, LEED AP BD&C, WELL AP, LFA  President and CEO                  President
           Regenerative Design, Sustainability and   Phipps Conservatory & Botanical Gardens  Cityscapes, Inc.
           Biophilia Consulting

             1   Sonja Bochart, a design leader in   2  Richard Piacentini is the   3  Jan has been in the interior
                 health and wellness for over twen-  President and CEO of Phipps       plantscape industry for over
           ty-five years, has an extensive background   Conservatory and Botanical Gardens.   thity eight years. She is in her twety
           in supporting teams and projects to sup-  Since 1994 he has guided the Pittsburgh   ninth year as owner and operator of
           port both human and ecological well-being.   organization from public to private man-  Cityscapes Boston, one of the largest
           She works nationally as a senior designer   agement and is responsible for its green   interiorscape companies in the United
           and biophilia consultant – focusing on   transformation including the opening of   States. She has a degree in landscape
           human-nature connection in design. Her   the Center for Sustainable Landscapes,   design and horticultural technology from
           portfolio and project references include   a zero energy and water building and the   the University of NH. She is a registered
           projects in all building sectors and manu-  only building to meet the Living Building   provider for AIA CEU credits. Jan is also
           facturers, including workplace, healthcare,   Challenge®, LEED® Platinum, SITES™   often a speaker at national landscape
           educational, community, behavioral health,   Platinum, WELL® Platinum and BREEAM   conferences, such as TPIE, BOMA and
           residential, cultural centers, and product   6 Star certifications. The sustainability   Cultivate. She is a highly active mem-
           design and marketing. Sonja serves as   efforts Piacentini initiated at Phipps are   ber in her local BOMA chapter. Jan has
           a recognized leader and educator in the   based on recognizing the vital connec-  served on BOMA’s Charity Benefit Com-
           industry and currently teaches at Arizona   tions between people, plants, health, and   mittee since 2006. Jan and Cityscapes
           State University’s Herberger School of   the planet. Piacentini serves on the Ad-  received BOMA Boston’s Prestigious
           Design. She contributes to such groups as   visory Board of the International Living   “Affiliate Company and Member of the
           Interior Design’s Healthcare and Well-  Future Institute (ILFI) and Board of Green   Year Awards” in 2008 and 2010. For the
           ness Council, the advisory council for   Plants for Green Buildings. He is a mem-  last 15 years, Jan has been on the Board
           the International Living Future Institutes   ber of the Mission and Community Needs   of Directors for “Green Plants for Green
           Biophilic Design Initiative and serves as a   Committee for Magee-Womens Hospital,   Buildings,” supporting the initiative to
           board member for Green Plants for Green   the Pennsylvania One Health Task Force,   Communicate  the Aesthetic, Wellbeing
           Buildings. As an advocate for cultivating   Biophilic Design Initiative Advisory   and Economic Benefits of Nature in the
           connections between people and natural   Board, and the Advisory Committee for   Built environment. She also was inducted
           systems, Sonja is one of the foremost   the Biophilic Cities Network. He is a Past   into Cultivates Interiorscape Hall of Fame
           facilitators for project and team biophilic   President and Treasurer of ILFI and the   in 2016. In 2019 she started a charitable
           design workshops, including consulting   American Public Gardens Association   offshoot of Cityscapes called Trans-
           for recent clients including Hans Rosling   (APGA), and has received lLFl, US Green   planted.  A roaming greenhouse that is a
           Center for Population Health at the Univer-  Building Council, and APGA leadership   pop up plant shop on wheels! All profits
           sity of Washington, De Montfort University   awards. Piacentini holds a MS in Botany,   go to local, national and international
           Leicester, The Academy of Medical Scienc-  an MBA, and a BS in Pharmacy. He is a   charities.  Truly living Cityscapes mission
           es, HMTX Corporation, The Port of Seattle,   Registered Pharmacist and a WELL®   of “Transforming People’s Lives through
           and Phipps Conservatory and Botanical   Accredited Professional.      the Power of Plants”.

  | Edition #4 - April 2021                                                     11
      Deadline to Apply:  Friday, April 30th at 11:59PM
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