Page 13 - I-Plants Magaine April 2021 Issue #4 v 4
P. 13


                                   The Successful


                                         Success means different things to different people. To some it means
                                         making a good living.  To others it means loving what you do, getting
                                                a promotion, or feeling like you’re making a difference.

                                                          By Kathy Fediw, LEED AP ID+C, Happily retired!

                                          T        ake responsibility for your   and read the newsletters from trade asso-
                                                   own success. Realize that
                                                                            ciations.  Search the internet for what’s new
                                                                            both here and overseas.
                                                   this is your life and your
                                                   career. Your employer will
                                                   provide you with the tools   2. Present yourself in a professional way.
                                      you need to get started. But you must also   If you respect yourself, your clients will re-
                                      take responsibility and seek out oppor-  spect you. Speak clearly and politely to your
                                      tunities to develop your knowledge and   clients using “business English.” Wear your
                                      skills.   Your success is ultimately in your   uniform with pride and keep your vehicle
                                      own hands and is your responsibility. That   and tools in good working condition.
                                      may mean packing your lunch in order to
                                      purchase a book or go to a class. I promise   3. Offer to help out when your manager
                                      it’s the best investment you’ll ever make!  needs an extra hand. This includes doing
                                                                            things that are not part of your regular job.
                                       1. Read everything you can get your hands   You’ll learn new skills that will make you a
                                      on about this industry. Subscribe to this   more valuable employee and could lead to
                                      magazine if you’re not currently getting it in   a promotion down the road. And your man-
                                      your own email inbox. (It’s free, just go to   ager will remember your willingness to help
                             Sign up for   and be a team player.

                                                                                         Solid Tips of
                                                                                         the Trade

                                                                                             If you take care of
                                                                                             indoor plants for a
                                                                                         living, these few tips will
                                                                                         help become successful,
                                                                                         whatever your definition
                                                                                         may be.

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